Docker cheat sheet

Aditya pratap singh
Congruence Labs
Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2019
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While working with Docker is amazing, it’s a tedious task to remember all the handy commands you need since you don’t use them very frequently as a Developer, unless you also do Devops on a regular basis. Depending on the complexity of the use case, I found and compiled the below list of common commands to be very useful in such situations:

  1. Run docker containers
  2. Check docker resources
  3. Update docker resources
  4. Cleanup docker resources
  5. Mount and Copy files or volumes

Apart from the above 4 categories, a useful trick to know is the API for Docker@17.0 and later which makes the commands very declarative, similar to Kubernetes API

Run docker containers

// Run docker image in interactive mode
docker run -it <image name>:<image tag>

// Run docker image in interactive mode with host port 8080 mapped to container port 80
docker run -it -p 8080:80 <image name>:<image tag>

// Run docker with the 3001 port exposed,
docker run -it --expose=3001 <image name>:<image tag>

// Run docker with an environment variable set
docker run -it \
<image name>:<image tag>

// Run a docker command in container and remove container after finish
docker run --rm -it --expose=3001 <image name>:<image tag>
// Run docker container as a daemon process
docker run -d <image name>:<image tag>
// Run shell with docker alpine image
docker run -it --rm alpine /bin/ash
docker run -it --rm alpine /bin/sh
docker run -it --rm alpine ash
docker run -it --rm alpine sh
// Start and stop a container by name
docker start <container name>
docker stop <container name>
// Run commands inside a running docker container. e.g. below shows `ls` in a running container
docker exec -it 4a140740c577 ls

Check docker resources

// Check docker images
docker images
docker image ls
// Check docker containers
docker ps -a
docker container ls
// Check the process running inside the container
docker top <container name or id>

// Check resource utilization
docker stats

// Check docker logs with multiple time options
docker logs -f --since <1s|5m|1d|UTC date time> <container name>
// Inspect container configurations
docker inspect
// docker system information
docker system df (Show disk info)
docker system events (Show system events)
docker system info (Show system info)
docker system prune (Prune unused data)
// Snoop network settings of a running container
docker inspect $container_id | $container_name
// Check docker image content, if entrypoint is provided
docker run -it --entrypoint sh <image name>

Update docker resources

// Update container configurations
docker update --restart=always <container name>
docker update --kernel-memory 80M <container name>

Cleanup docker resources

// Cleanup stopped containers
docker rm $(docker ps -q -f 'status=exited')
// Cleanup dangling images
docker rmi $(docker images -q -f "dangling=true")
// Cleanup dangling volumes
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true)
// Cleanup images with a certain name (
docker images | grep <pattern> | xargs docker rmi
// Use `prune` subcommand to cleanup respective docker resources// Cleanup all unused docker artifacts
docker system prune
// or same as above would be all 4 below
docker container prune
docker image prune
docker network prune
docker volume prune

Mount and Copy files or volumes

// Mount volume myvol2 into docker container at /app
docker run -it -v myvol2:/app <image name>:<image version>
// Copy file `foo.txt` to docker container `mycontainer`
docker cp foo.txt mycontainer:/foo.txt
// Copy file `foo.txt` from docker container `mycontainer` to host machine
docker cp mycontainer:/foo.txt foo.txt

Docker 17.0 and later API

With the new docker re-organization of modules, all commands are re-structured similar to Kubernetes. E.g.

Below 2 are same:

docker run -it -e RUST_BACKTRACE=1 <image name>:<image tag>
docker container run -it -e RUST_BACKTRACE=1 <image name>:<image tag>

And so are the below commands to list containers,

// List docker containers
docker ps -a
docker container ls

The above list is not exhaustive but was useful for me as a developer to not be aware of docker as much as a Devops person and still be able to navigate through in using docker related issues. Hopefully it helps few of you!



Aditya pratap singh
Congruence Labs

Engineering manager, GraphQL and edge routing platforms @ZalandoTech interested in web, JS, GraphQL, Go, TS, Rust and reliable, high scale distributed systems