Conjecture Magazine has launched

Logan Chipkin
Conjecture Magazine
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3 min readDec 24, 2020

Dear Readers and Writers,

Conjecture Magazine has been several months in the making, and we are proud of our initial lineup of articles. This newsletter will push the month’s articles to you, and otherwise refrain from menacing your inbox.

If you have suggestions for content, or know someone who may be interested in writing for us, please let us know at For regular updates, follow us on Twitter @conjecture_mag.

We hope you enjoy the holidays with a sample from our opening slate of articles.


Aaron and Logan

1. Fake News: The Manifest Truth Delusion (Parts 1,2 and 3)

This is our feature article this month, by philosopher Ray Scott Percival. In three parts, Ray takes us deep into the philosophical significance of fake news, including several topical references, and reaches a surprising conclusion on the value of gullibility. Ray’s work will appear regularly.

2. Pascal’s Mugging and Bad Explanations

This article got a lot of attention on Twitter, some supportive and some dismissive, which is a good sign that Ben Chugg is onto something important about how we assess decisions. This is one of our most popular articles.

3. The Laws of Physics Must be Comprehensible

Another popular article by Brett Hall assesses a deep question directly and simply — are there limits to the human understanding of the universe?

4. The Neo-Darwinian Theory of the Mind

Dennis Hackethall approaches the mind from a bold new angle.

5. Beyond Falsifiability: The Origins of Critical Rationalism

A historical look at the life of Karl Popper by Lucas Smalldon with original photography of Popper’s home turf.

6. Censoring “Error,” Destroying Free Speech

Sukhayl Niyazov offers an argument for free speech from a Popperian perspective.

7. Why Conjecture Magazine?

Aaron Stupple explains the purpose of Conjecture Magazine and what distinguishes it from other magazines that focus on progress.



Logan Chipkin
Conjecture Magazine

Writer for Quillette, Areo, Physics World, and others| Science, history, philosophy, and economics | @ChipkinLogan