7 Reasons why Data Analytics is for Everyone

Rio Aquino Dayao
Connect by Rio Dayao
4 min readAug 26, 2020
Group of Data Analysts from Freepik

Data, data, data. You might already have something in mind whenever you hear it. Numbers? Profits? These are some of the stereotypes often being associated with data analytics. While true, these are just part of its wide scope. In this article, we will discuss why Data Analytics is not really as intimidating as you may think it is. So if you’ve been long planning to know more about data analytics, this article may be for you.

Disclaimer, though, what I would be sharing is based on my research and personal experiences. So feel free to add your inputs to mine. Without further ado, let’s start!

  1. Not Just the Numbers

Yes, you read that right! Data analytics is not just numbers. Well, I couldn’t blame you if you think it is because we often associate it with financial metrics. But the truth is, this is just one of its aspects.

Data has two types. The first, where the numbers belong to, is called the quantitative data or the information which can be counted. On the other hand, we also have qualitative data or simply the data which describes qualities or characteristics in narrative form. Hair color and gender are some of the basic examples.

Point is they must go hand in hand. The numbers are as equally important as your ability to describe it qualitatively.

2. Data is Everywhere

All fields use data analytics if you closely observe. In the design industry, many artists use best practices in the past as the data in their design process like in architecture, graphic designing, or even in web designing. In the music industry, musicians use data in analyzing where their songs are most listened to and use that data for future promotions. In communications, the statements from your witnesses and the day-to-day statistics of crimes are data. Even in history, the narrative accounts in the past used by social scientists can be considered your data already.

In short, data is universal and is not just for the ‘numbers’ industries. Whatever your field is, you will encounter it.

3. Data Analytics is not just the Programming

While the tool you use greatly aids the analysis, the logic and analytical thinking that you have is as equally important. In fact, I’ve seen beautiful insights from data analysts which did not require the use of advanced software. To begin with, you won’t know what to do or look for on your tool if you don’t have the right questions for your data right?

4. Skill to be Learned

Just like any other skill, data analytics can be learned. Regardless of whatever your degree program in the university was or what you think your current familiarity is, your analytical thinking, quantitative skills, and tools are all learnable. Apart from practicing to improve your skills, you should take advantage of the readily available resources we can access through the internet! (More on this topic on our future releases!)

5. Enhances Analytical Thinking

You might have experienced already getting assigned on a certain project, and the first thing you needed to know was what happened to that project in the past. This analytical thinking is in fact part of analytics already — using data from the past to guide your present decisions. I’d like to believe that such a skill is something innate to us and just needs to be developed. And as you develop it, you are able to come up with better decisions in turn.

6. Supports your Interests

All of us have causes we believe in may it be the environment, gender equality, or youth empowerment. And for you to push for such advocacies, you must at least know your baseline of information. If you want to address income inequality, you would first need to know what is your current income versus target right? If you want to push for a reduction of carbon emissions, you must at least know what is the current level of emissions and how much must it be reduced into right? And your data analytics skill will greatly help you get the answers to these questions.

7. The Way to Go

Data will inevitably be part of our rapidly growing global society. And we will encounter it one way or another. In fact, the demand for this skill gets higher and higher as organizations realize its power for decision-making. So definitely, this is the way to go and a worthwhile investment of your time.

To end, I hope you are able to gain a greater sense of appreciation for data analytics and realize why it is for you and everyone else. But of course, this is just the start of your data journey. And you might be asking yourself already what’s the next step? Well, worry not. We got you covered. We will answer this in our next release. See you then!



Rio Aquino Dayao
Connect by Rio Dayao

Business Analyst at RingCentral | Futurist | Data and Language Enthusiast | Lifelong learner | Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rio-aquino-dayao/