5 Qualities of a Charismatic Person

Polly Traore
Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2020

When speaking about networking or communication in general, we often come back to one defining characteristic that the people we find interesting share. That characteristic is charisma.

A charismatic person has the ability to entice people, to persuade them with minimal effort. These are the people who leave you wanting for more interactions.

In your professional life possessing this quality can help you climb the career ladder or build advantageous relationships.

However, charisma is a very vague term, so let’s look at particular qualities that accompany a charismatic person.

Leadership abilities

Capturing the attention of every person in the room is something worth working on. Most charismatic people easily take responsibility for entertaining and moderating the conversation, they introduce a topic and navigate the course of а polylogue. On a larger scale, you may see these qualities in strategists, politicians, etc. These are the ones able to influence others, infect them with ideas and enthusiasm.

People like that have been classified by L. Gumylov as Passionaries in his work Ethnogenesis and the Biosphere. He clearly states this as a quality someone is born with, however, there is no harm in trying to improve yourself, and to learn a thing or two from the greats.


Another quality that charismatic people almost always possess is confidence. As much as it might help to be sure that your judgments are correct, you may notice that confidence has nothing in common with always being right. On the contrary, it takes a certain amount of self-assurance and self-respect to admit when one is wrong or lacks knowledge. So if you are mistaken or misunderstood, it’s the way you handle these tricky situations, that makes all the difference.

Listening skills

With networking, a lot of focus goes into the way you speak, yet listening to others is a more intricate art. In a way, you can leave an impression by saying nearly nothing but leaving the other person a chance to speak their mind. What’s so special about this talent? It seems like all you need to do is zip your lips and look interested even if you aren’t. In fact, knowing when to nod, when to comment, and how to politely interrupt if needed can present you as a well-mannered individual.

This also supports the theory that speaking too much is seen as a sign of anxiety and often rudeness.


As well as listening attentively to what your companion is saying, you have to be able to respond appropriately. Sometimes the best way is to charm them with your wit. If you watch charismatic people, you will notice that most of them converse easily, and never skip on a funny or smart remark. This is one of the defining characteristics, that show that someone as a lighthearted, intellectual yet easy going person. And these qualities are quite appealing.

You can’t just read a book and learn to be witty, this would take practice and even if you lack a sense of humor, you may be able to use it to your advantage. Just be careful and avoid being offensive or inconsiderate. These mistakes can quickly turn you from a charming socialite into a pariah.


You don’t have to be an optimist by nature to be positive. In fact, perfecting this skill might work in your favor, teaching you to see a glass half full. Either way, charismatic people tend to be optimistic, because it is a fast and easy way to build a connection, and project a successful image onto the world. People are more likely to go into business with someone who seems lucky and hopeful. Many actually believe that a negative attitude can cause a venture to fail, so try to meet any challenge with a smile, and don’t dwell on failures.

Charisma is a quality everyone wants to possess, but at the end of the day, it’s the effort that counts. Connect.Club is a perfect space to meet new people and learn their experiences in conquering social skills to make yourself better.

