Topics to Avoid While Networking

Polly Traore
Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2020

The conversation is an exquisite art. You may think you have a grip on current events, the latest news, and relevant matters, but sometimes the wisest thing to say would be nothing. Dull as it may sound, there are way too many pitfalls that are easily avoidable if you know what to say, and when.

These things go beyond classic etiquette and wander to the territory of undesirable topics that tend to result in arguments. Let’s take a look at what you don’t want to discuss while networking.


This seems like a sophisticated matter, and political issues affect business in every possible way, so naturally, you would expect this topic to be ideal for work-related events.

However, heated political debates are rarely impersonal, so it’s way too easy to cross the line. While it’s perfectly fine to participate in a political conversation, it’s always better to not get involved.

If it so happens, that there’s no option to avoid joining in on the conversation, you should keep your opinions to yourself, and be vague and polite if you are asked to comment. In a way, the best way to handle a political topic is to act like a politician.


Just like politics, religion is a dangerous topic that’s best left untouched. Religious beliefs can be a very important aspect in people’s lives, which means offending them even by accident, can result in a ruined professional and personal relationship.

This is definitely not something you would want to happen during a work mixer or a networking event.

Once again, if the discussion occurs, and there is no possibility to avoid it, make sure to not express any strong feelings, or pass judgment. It’s always possible to excuse yourself and retreat to a safer location.


Discussing health is always slightly inappropriate unless you are talking to your doctor or family/friends. Naturally, it would be a controversial topic for a networking mixer. Nobody wants to hear in-detail descriptions of somebody’s pains and procedures. Besides, if you start asking people about their health, it might come off as inquisitive behavior. And the more successful and well known the other guests are, the more suspicious you would seem.

If the conversation takes this risky turn, and someone starts to share, it’s perfectly normal to listen, and then carefully switch the topic.

If someone asks you about your experience, there is certainly no need to answer. This only speaks ill of the person asking inappropriate questions.

Personal financial situation

In different societies, it’s either appropriate or non-appropriate to discuss finances. At business events, this topic is a must. After all, the reason people have gathered together is as much to meet each other as it is to brag about their success.

As long as the others are sharing, you are allowed to make mental notes. However, asking questions about their personal income or finances is simply not polite. Those who feel comfortable, do share the information themselves. It’s safe to assume that everyone else would prefer to keep this private.

Personal relationships

Networking events are all about work. Even if you are going through something important, you have to keep in mind why you are there in the first place. And the reason is definitely not to look for a shoulder to cry on. All personal matters should be left outside, and your focus should be on work and business. Even if some people might be interested in gossip, or would genuinely try to help you, sharing personal problems at a business mixer is a sign of bad manners and failure to concentrate.

Depending on the situation and cultural climate, there might be a few other topics that you should avoid. This is why it’s always a good idea to research the event prior to attending it. Connect.Club app is a great tool for practicing your communication skills with other people. Give it a try and see how easy you can master the art of conversation.

