A man with a question

Sumaiya Jaweed
Connect With World
Published in
1 min readMay 24, 2023
Drawing by me

His brown eyes,

And has a wonderous wise

He stood in the middle of the street

And began to tremble my feet

My sweat became like blood,

My body became bloody

I felt a jolt run

Through my body

My horse gets nervous

And started to snore loudly

I tried to calm it but it got so skittish that

He was shouted loudly

I too, felt nervous

My heart pulse in my throat

And started to float

But Suddenly,

A furtive smile,

In a wispy style,

Like a passing breeze,

Like a dazzling sea,

He was a man with a question,

I watched him,

He was happy,

With a little fancy

When our eyes meet again,

The stars shining

And the sky hanging violet,

above our head

I heard a question, which he doesn't ask me

I took a step forward toward him,

Now I feel cool,

As if I lived this moment before

I started to remember a bit

He is the man

I had seen in my dreams

The questions in his eyes is that

How much do you love me?

How much do you love me?

I can't live without you

will you leave me?



Sumaiya Jaweed
Connect With World

I write but I don't know why I'm writing I live in the sky but my feet still touch the ground I believe in fairies After all they lent me their wings❤️....