Connect With World Submission Guidelines

Sumaiya Jaweed
Connect With World
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2023
Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Welcome to Connect with world, if you want to be published in the publication, you’ve come to the right place. We are looking for strong writing with clear words and a unique point of view. Our purview is pretty large: Programming, books, Business, Education, Poetry, Technology and many more.

Table of Contents

1.What I publish
2.What it means to publish in Connect with world
3.Before sending your application

1. What I Publish:

I publish stories and poems about life, love, freedom, medicine and a little bit about programming. I like stories that come from the heart and express a personal point of view. My focus is mostly towards poetry I am very fond of poetry so I mostly publish poetry.

2. What its mean to publish in “Connect with world”:

When you publish your article in “Connect with World” it means your article will be visible to all the followers of the publication and will appear on their network Inthe other words, you have direct access to the audience of more readers.

3. Before sending your application:

Before sending your application please check it. I only publish original stories i.e. stories that are not already published online outside the publications. In addition, I really want writers who want to join the connect with world to be actively involved in the life of the publication, by reading, clapping, and replying to the stories. An important thing you should know before sending your application. If I have to refuse your request to join the publications, never take this as a judgment on the quality of your writing always trust what you write.

4. How to send your application:

To show your work write an email to this address

your email include

  • The link to your medium profile with one story in the draft from the medium which you would like to publish in “Connect with world”
  • A few word about you and why you want to join publication



Sumaiya Jaweed
Connect With World

I write but I don't know why I'm writing I live in the sky but my feet still touch the ground I believe in fairies After all they lent me their wings❤️....