Spur innovation by backing away from your team

Connected Accountants
Connected Accountants
2 min readOct 9, 2014

Hello readers! Just so you know Connected Accountants are all female team. They enjoy working together and love fun. They are a bunch of geeky accountants, cloud techies, and admins. Their dedication towards their job and loyalty displays how the boss of Connected Accountants spurred innovation to her employees. This new post contains light and helpful information on how their energy is maintained while working together.

Want to spur innovation?

Employees are often reluctant to share their insights and ideas with the boss. If you’re trying to promote creativity in your workplace, encourage employees to use another sounding board — each other.

Let your team know you support their getting together without you to listen to and critique each other’s ideas for improving products, procedures, client relationships, and so on. If your employees are close-knit self-starters, simply let them know that they can use conference rooms, take time during working hours to meet, use your email system to share ideas, and so on.

If employees seem a bit timid, ask everyone to contribute a monthly suggestion or observation about a problem to solve or an opportunity to exploit. Set aside some time for the group to meet each month to discuss their input and choose some ideas to bring to you or implement themselves. Whether every idea gets implemented is beside the point; what counts is the habit of looking for problems and opportunities and working on them collectively.

This article was originally posted on our blog. For more informative and light articles click this link. Have difficulty managing the finances of your business? Connected Accountants will take you to the cloud! Join us in a FREE 1-on-1 session with Connected Accountants Director Amanda Fisher.

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Connected Accountants
Connected Accountants

Cloud Accounting Experts based in Sydney Australia. We are Xero-certified accountants that provides clooud accounting services.