Hey! Don’t Skip That Verizon Privacy Notice in Your Mailbox!

Robert Merrill
Published in
1 min readJan 28, 2015

I slipped open an innocent letter from Verizon noting an “Important Privacy Notification” on the envelope this afternoon to read that, if I didn’t take any action, Verizon would (or would continue) to share the following information with third parties:

[caption id=”attachment_2414" align=”aligncenter” width=”604"]

Are you OK with Verizon sharing the URLs you visit, location of your device and app usage with 3rd parties?[/caption]

Yeah, no thanks.

Luckily, the process to tell Verizon not to share anything here is easy. Go to http://www.vzw.com/myprivacy, login, and go through and select what you are OK with sharing and what you are not OK with.



Robert Merrill

Tech recruiter turned tech founder 🚀 Helps you hire smarter, faster, and better. Let’s get to work. ConnectedWell.com; Twitter: @AskRobMerrill