Please Link your QR Codes!

Robert Merrill
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2010


Several times recently, while searching for android apps, I have come across QR codes on my mobile web browser linking me to the marketplace to download their apps.

If you recall, QR Codes are those Nifty square bar-codes that you can scan with the camera on a mobile device like an Android or iPhone or Palm Pre and you will be taken to a URL or it shares encoded text like contact information or other text data.

This is a SUPER smart move if I am on my computer browsing a website because then I can easily SCAN the code on the computer screen from my phone and — BANG! — I am downloading their app. However, what website owners forget is that, if I am already ON my mobile, I can’t SCAN a QR Code unless I had a second phone.

This would be remedied if web managers would consider linking their QR Codes to the URL they just encoded so I could just click on it. Paperdroid, which I just downloaded while typing this post out, does exactly this, much to my happiness therein. Click the image below to see the real-live page:[caption id=”attachment_577" align=”aligncenter” width=”300" caption=”Paperdroid does QR codes right, linking the image to the Android Marketplace download page in case I am *on* my mobile (and can’t SCAN the code)”]


Paperdroid does QR codes right, linking the image to the Android Marketplace download page in case I am *on* my mobile (and can’t SCAN the code)
(Hmm, is there an app to “scan” an image of a QR code by just reading what’s on my screen? Hmmm….)



Robert Merrill

Tech recruiter turned tech founder 🚀 Helps you hire smarter, faster, and better. Let’s get to work.; Twitter: @AskRobMerrill