Secure Searching with Google

Robert Merrill
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2010


Alternate title: k6ZJ*vGqQDPKv%eF98MIBuh50@DP*

Last week, Google unveiled a secure option for searching the famous search engine using SSL — Secure Sockets Layer (If you own a tin-foil hat, please click here) which means your connection to Google’s servers is encrypted — so the content of whatever you’re searching for is private between you and Google.

This is a valuable feature for times when you don’t trust (or don’t want to worry about) who may be prying on your search content… for example:

  1. When you’re surfing at a public wifi hotspot and who knows who/what is watching your web traffic flow by.
  2. If you’re concerned about the data your ISP may (be forced to) have about your web activities.
  3. If you’re paranoid.
  4. You grok the idea of encrypting your searching… just because you can.
  5. Any/All of the above.

I believe encrypted search is an important option for Google searchers. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has asked for secure search in the past (see this post from 2009), and I credit them for helping to put this on Google’s radar. Another inspiration that helped to spark this project was Cory Doctorow’s book “Little Brother.” It was one of my favorite books of 2008 and while I won’t go into the book’s plot here, it’s a quick, fun read. “Little Brother” also makes a compelling case for encrypting HTTP traffic on the web.

Note: This doesn’t make you “invisible” on the Internet, by the way. As Google/’s Evan Roseman pointed out on the official blog post releasing the feature:

A few notes to remember: Google will still maintain search data to improve your search quality and to provide better service. Searching over SSL doesn’t reduce the data sent to Google — it only hides that data from third parties who seek it. And clicking on any of the web results, including Google universal search results for unsupported services like Google Images, could take you out of SSL mode. Our hope is that more websites and services will add support for SSL to help create a better and more consistent experience for you.

Want more? Google’s help article may quench your brain.

* What’s with my alternate title? This is a randomized text string the same length as the phrase “Secure Searching with Google” showing you what your search data might look like as it flows across the wire.



Robert Merrill

Tech recruiter turned tech founder 🚀 Helps you hire smarter, faster, and better. Let’s get to work.; Twitter: @AskRobMerrill