Taco Bell: Free Beef Tacos to Facebook Likers

Robert Merrill
Published in
1 min readFeb 14, 2011

Taco Bell has turned a class action lawsuit about the beef in its food into a Facebook marketing campaign. The restaurant chain is giving away 10 million free beef tacos to Facebook “likers” who download and print a coupon.

The company pitched the offer to its 5.4 million Facebook “likes” yesterday, and has since picked up around 100,000 additional “likes.” Taco Bell is employing a like-gating strategy that’s being increasingly leveraged by marketers. If 10 million coupons are downloaded, the brand will announce the offer has reached its limit capacity with a message on its Facebook wall. Consumers have until Feb. 15 to use the coupons.

Here’s The Beef: Taco Bell Uses Lawsuit to Lift ‘Likes’

So, good job getting that PR firm involved. They seem to know what they’re doing. If anything else, 10 million additional visitors to Taco Bell can’t be bad. Besides who can go to Taco Bell and not also get a soft taco, bean burrito, nachos supreme, some mexi melts, some of those cinnamon things and a Diet Coke?

Not everyone likes this strategy, but this may be the right move to manage this crisis.

Betting this will be a big win for the Bell.



Robert Merrill

Tech recruiter turned tech founder 🚀 Helps you hire smarter, faster, and better. Let’s get to work. ConnectedWell.com; Twitter: @AskRobMerrill