Wait. I wasn’t done yet

Robert Merrill
Published in
1 min readSep 8, 2018


I was recently thumbing through LinkedIn and noticing something that chilled me like a glass of cold water spilled down my back.

My network is starting to retire.

I mean, good for them. These are some of the most fascinating and generous people that I have known and I’m not surprised that they’ve got things in order to pack it in.

None of them are idle though. I’ve noticed more than a few of them have gone to volunteer in causes locally and internationally for their church or other organization — or started their own.

And, knowing many of them, they stopped working for money years ago anyway, so this is more of a public change in “career status” than a private one.

But wait. I wasn’t done just yet.

These are the pillars of guidance for me through my career that I’ve been building my brand with, asking for advice from and, not to be too blunt, asking for gigs and jobs when the opportunities arose.

Of course they’ll still be there for all these things. That’s not the point.

The point is — as these stalwarts of strategy and pillars of professionalism are stepping aside — it means it’s my turn to be what they have been to me. Stand where they stood and ensure that others have a generous hand at the top they can look to and get both a kind and firm word of advice when needed.

I just still feel so fresh in my career. 20 years in — just getting started.



Robert Merrill

Tech recruiter turned tech founder 🚀 Helps you hire smarter, faster, and better. Let’s get to work. ConnectedWell.com; Twitter: @AskRobMerrill