Free Tickets to Elevate? You Got It.

Enter the Connected Caption Contest for a chance to win tickets to Elevate Tech Fest.

Thoughtworks Canada
3 min readSep 12, 2018


Love tech? Love product? Love Elevate Tech Fest? So do we!

That’s why here at Connected we’re giving away two tickets to Canada’s largest and most coveted tech conference of the year plus entry to our invite-only brand launch party the night of September 26. All you gotta do is share your favourite quote about product strategy and/or development. Wicked, right?

Contest Rules

  1. Share your favourite quote from a leading software product figure on Twitter or LinkedIn. For example, “Prototyping at work is giving form to an idea, allowing us to learn from it, evaluate it against others, and improve upon it.” — Tim Brown, CEO @ IDEO
  2. Tag Connected (Twitter: @connectedio) in the post with the hashtag #ElevateProduct (that’s the event we’re organizing on 9/26, check out our amazing roster of speakers here!)
  3. You can make up to four entries — two each on Twitter and LinkedIn
  4. The winner will be selected on Thurs 9/20 at 12PM

Let the quoting begin!

Why “Product”?

Software-powered products are one of the leading drivers of business growth today. Just look at the apps in your pocket, the speakers in your home, the devices you wear — and increasingly the cars we ride in.

Yet between rapidly changing technologies, high customer expectations, and the need to move fast, the development of successful software products remains an ongoing challenge. As an integrated product development firm, our mission at Connected is to help ambitious product builders make progress by taking a holistic approach to product. Because building great products is a team effort.

Why Elevate?

On the eve of our fourth birthday, Connected recently completed a huge rebrand and dropped the “Lab” from its name. It’s a huge milestone for us and we’re really excited to share it with the world. On top of that, we were recently announced by the Globe and Mail as one of Canada’s Top Small & Medium Employers for the second year in a row. And just last week, we were selected by LinkedIn as one of the Top 25 Startups in Canada. So let’s just say the timing was perfect.

About Elevate Product

Our lineup of speakers is full of product innovators and leaders including Gibson Biddle, former VP of Product at Netflix; Satish Kanwar, VP & GM of Channels at Shopify; and Janna Bastow, Co-Founder of ProdPad and Mind the Product. You can see our full speaker lineup on Elevate’s website or see below for our schedule.

Come see Gibson Biddle, former VP of Product at Netflix, speak at Elevate Product.

Elevate Product Schedule

9:30 | Welcome | Mike Stern, CEO @ Connected

9:40 | Fireside Chat | Catherine (Kit) Ulrich, Managing Director @ FirstMark Capital

10:15 | Keynote | Satish Kanwar, VP & GM of Channels @ Shopify

10:50 | Lightning Talk | Seema Lakhani, Head of Product @ Wattpad

11:00 | Lightning Talk |Speaker TBA

11:10 | Fireside Chat | Alan Klement, Principal @ Idealized Innovation

11:55 | Lunch

13:05 | Keynote | Gibson Biddle, Former VP of Product @ Netflix

13:55 | Keynote | Alan Klement, Principal @ Idealized Innovation

14:30 |Keynote | Janna Bastow, Co-Founder @ ProdPad

15:05 | Lightning Talk | Speaker TBA

15:15 | Lightning Talk | Sabarish Gnanamoorthy, Founder @ Waypoint AR

15:25 | Panel Discussion | Amar Varma, Co-Founder & COO @ Autonomic; Seema Lakhani; Janna Bastow; and Moderator Brian Crofts

16:00 | Ending Remarks

19:30 | Connected Brand Launch Party @ Ricarda’s Toronto featuring musical guests Dwayne Gretzky & Skratch Bastid

Any questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out at



Thoughtworks Canada

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