Our app, let’s you to scan ingredients for recipe suggestions

Sakshi Saboo
- .’_ connectedots
3 min readFeb 4, 2020


‘Yellow’ is your everyday cooking companion.

Yellow is a personal cooking assistant created to make the process of cooking fun and easy.

It is an experience that gives you food choices based on your available ingredients by letting you scan them. The scanner also gives its users the consumption duration (in hours) for more efficiency.

Yellow provides its users with interactive videos which comes with a sound assistant, to make the process of cooking hassle free.

You can personalize the app on the basis of your allergies and diets, if any. Number of servings, cuisine preferences and preparation time. These can be changed by the user anytime they want. The app lets you create a personal profile where you can share recipes and suggestions with your friends.

Why the name Yellow?

Yellow is the colour of joyfulness and warmth. It is also one of the most prominent colors in food items. With our system we aim to offer our users a jolly and merry experience by assisting them with cooking.

Being 20 year old hostelites ourselves, we constantly deal with having to eat bad food. Ordering everyday is not a feasible option for students living on budgets. So we decided to study why college going students or working professionals don’t cook food.

Some of the common problems that we found were the lack of knowledge about how to cook and people believing that cooking is more of a task than something that can also be fun. After many discussions on the topic we realized that we needed a system that understands user problems and attempts to solve them, while making cooking more fun and simpler.

Our first level of research was focused on the reasons due to which people do not cook. After getting some understanding of the same, we chose people between 18 to 25 years of age as our target audience.

The next level of research involved conducting online surveys to get quantitative data in order to understand common problem patterns. We also gathered qualitative data by personally talking to people in hostels, colleges and food courts to try and comprehend their feelings, problems and experiences better. We also studied the already existing food applications that helped users cook.

This data helped us in finding a clearer direction that could lead towards the solution.

Sketch and design

Designing the look and feel of our application was the next goal. We targeted on solving user interface problems like wayfinding on the app, added informative visuals, reduced the amount of text and made the app less time consuming. After creating the first basic prototype on paper, we narrowed down to two core features and took the prototype to the next stage. We designed the interface on adobe XD and added sound and navigation for the user to understand the system better.

