Connected Papers partners with arXiv

Eddie Smolyansky
Connected Papers
Published in
3 min readFeb 3, 2021

We’re excited to announce a collaboration that we’ve been working on with the wonderful team at!

Starting today, every paper page on will link to a graph of Connected Papers.

The link can be found under the Related Papers tab in the section below the paper description.

And this is how it works:

Clicking the link will take you directly to the Connected Papers graph which originates from that specific paper, where you can visually explore similar papers and widen or deepen your literature review.

For those unfamiliar with these tools, here’s a quick rundown:

Connected Papers: Visual discovery of academic papers

Connected Papers is a free visual tool that helps researchers and applied scientists find and explore papers relevant to their field of work.

A Connected Papers graph for “The Coevolution of Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes…”

You can use Connected Papers to:

  • Get a visual overview of a new academic field
  • Create a bibliography for your thesis
  • Discover the most relevant prior and derivative works
  • Or simply explore paper-space!


arXivLabs is a recent offering by which aims to enhance and improve the browsing experience on the website. It’s a new framework for enabling the arXiv community to contribute to arXiv and develop tools that can benefit the scientific community.

We’d like to thank the arXiv team for their work and strongly encourage more tools and products to integrate with them to improve the academic ecosystem.

Our mission: Improving work with academic papers

Connected Papers started as a side project to solve some of our own problems in working with academic papers. It is developed in our free time as a service to the scientific community. We still have many ideas, features and products we’d like to explore, and as our user base grows we are excited about the future.

Recently we’ve introduced a graph history feature and released a special version of our website for conferences.

New feature: Graph History

In addition, we’ve added links to external resources in the paper details panel and partnered with Papers with Code.

To stay up to date with our work, follow us on Twitter @connectedpapers.

Call for sponsors

We’d like to thank our sponsor DAGsHub for supporting us with this development. Check out their recent blog: Datasets should behave like git repositories.

If you’d like to be our sponsor, feel free to reach out at

The Connected Papers team



Eddie Smolyansky
Connected Papers

Founder@ConnectedPapers. Led CV&ML group @Alibaba Israel (post startup acquisition). Interested in rationality, startups, photography and gaming.