World First: Cancer Research’s Contactless Donation Window

Grant Kemp
Published in
2 min readFeb 24, 2015

Cancer Research, the massive UK charity, have done a world first and taken the contactless revolution to the next step by accepting contactless payment donations via their shop window.

Cancer Research Contactless

By partnering with Clear Channel, the outdoor media owner and Mediacom, the media planner, they were able to bring the contactless technology to 4 of the UK stores. Locations selected were Kensington, Guildford, Marylebone and Brighton.

In this world first use of contactless payments in the shop window, hopefully Cancer Research will lead the pack when it comes to innovation and reap the massive rewards, both for itself and its team but also for patients.

Simply Beautiful Contactless

Cancer Research Window

Customers who walk past the store are able to donate £2 by just tapping their cards onto the shop window. Once the donation is made, the interactive screens to the left of the panel will show a video of some of the good that the users’ donation is going to.

Paul Clark, Head of Strategic Marketing Communications at Cancer Research UK said

“We are excited to be premiering this world-first use of contactless giving technology in four of our shop windows. The contactless giving through four of our shop windows is a new and exciting way for people to donate to our work and help us bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.”

Clear Channel Media Com Cancer Research logo

My take on the Shop window

The shopwindow is one of the prime places for innovation as it shares quite a lot in common with a typical website. It is always open, accessible and provides a brand engagement experience, and crucially always available to trade. There are a stream of new technologies that are using the shop window in new and interesting ways. Harrods have used it as a touch screen, and I am sure there are plenty more to come. I even have a few ideas that I would love to share.

For more information check out the Clear Channel Press Release

