Connecting Cities Studio
2 min readNov 13, 2019


Connectig cities, Group 5 Universitat de Girona

Gerard Casademont. Maria Estiu. Eric Rovira.

Perception of Melbourne

Before we start to talk about Melbourne we have to mention that anyone in our group has been there, so we are pretty sure that our perception won’t be accurate at all.

First of all when we think about Melbourne and Australia in general the ocean, surfers and a big city comes to our minds. Due to the clime there, almost all the year is like summer. Also due to the clime and for what we saw through internet and movies we concept Melbourne as a city with big quantity of bugs and dangerous and rare animals like the playtipus.

Also if we are not mistaken, Melbourne is on the coast so maybe it has a harbour. If it is the case maybe there is tradition of fishermen and sailor jobs. If it is the case, we have at least one similarity with you nd the villages around Girona.

Also as a big and a known city, a part of having an international university, we suppose a lot of tourist would came there so maybe a part of the economy and the organisation of the city is based on what’s better for the tourism. Comparing this fact with Girona, for example we have the old town that is composed by shops and restaurants to improve our tourism.

Also we see Melbourne as an example of what a develop city has to be. By our knowledge, Melbourne is an easy city to emigrate and try to earn a living, there’s a good balance between new and ancient cultures; at least it has not the image of one culture taking over another one. Also Melbourne, and Australia in general, have an image of a polite, safe and multicultural place, so we think it could be a great place to life on and learn about.

To end this short essay on Melbourne and speaking about the city on itself, we think that being a new city, built in the early 20th century, could have a geometrical distribution unlike the ancient cities like Rome or Girona old Town. So in fact we think this distribution is that all the streets and roads are in squares.

