Final film feedback group 5

Trevor(Zihang Wang)
Connecting Cities Studio
3 min readDec 22, 2019

Actually we did not make an additional skype call to communicate since rough cut, but we did some feedback via email about their final film. After watching their final film, I think they used some of our group’s footage and added some very special ideas. Although the theme is an advertising video that attracts tourists or international students, they made it effect is actually very practical, this may be the result of our mutual exchange, that is, not only high-rise buildings can be representative. I think some of them are very contagious, such as the beach and animals they choose. I think it is appropriate to grasp the rhythm. I think they are depicting almost the real Melbourne, and many of the clips reflect that their impression of Melbourne has also started to change. In some of their clips, I found that they were able to integrate green space with traffic very well, and it was not particularly conflicting, which surprised me very much. Because they are interspersed with other fragments, such as roads and parks next to the roads, this is a good combination of the two aspects of the city. It looks not just modern, but a vibrant and green city. In terms of sound effects, I think the appropriate background music also helps them to create a dynamic atmosphere, which is more attractive for international students, combined with some simple subtitles, the audience can have a very clear understanding. When they see these fragments and information through the screen, they will get a corresponding response. I think this is the embodiment of their control over the rhythm of the film.

Overall, their videos are a good representation of Melbourne’s general content. As far as my own experience is concerned, I think they can catch the point-the diversity of Melbourne, which is very difficult.

In our film, we use the concept of street life to connect the two cities by finding the street life scenes of the two cities. They are mainly a journey-like transition-by going from two different main train stations-Flinders station and Girona station, the two cities are combined through similar images at the beginning of the railway, followed by similar streets, pedestrians, and major goals such as churches and squares, replacing scenes with inherent impressions such as high-rise buildings and beach bars. We mainly want to express the diversity of urban life and the traditional way of life under modernization. In the process of comparison, we also added some old radio program content and the distinctive snare drum sounds of Spain Square to help us restore the feeling of belonging to street life.

I think our video combines these two points well, although the biggest difficulty lies in maintaining as much as possible during mobile shooting stable, but we also gained a lot of experience through this shooting. I think we have basically achieved the expected goals and also showed the audience the true meaning of a lot of street life. In the movie of five minutes and ten seconds, we showed as much of the original street life as possible between the two cities, and retained some sound effects from the crowded market to make the audience feel the atmosphere at the time.

