Catalina Evans from Santiago, Chile.

A little part of a little person

Hi everyone!! This a video showing a small part of my life and I hope you enjoy it.

Connecting Cities
Published in
1 min readNov 20, 2015


There are some things that aren’t in the video… My nickname is Cata, so just call me like that. I am five feet tall (1,53 meter) so I’m veeeery small.

I love to eat, specially fast food. I live a bit far from the university so I have to use the subway for like 50 minutes every day.

My favorite place to be is “outside”. Staying at home for me its boring, unless I want to sleep. I love the flowers and the stars. I love to write and its the only thing I want to do in my whole life.

I’m participating in this project cause I would love to meet new cultures and different opinions.

Hope to meet you soon!!



Catalina E Amador
Connecting Cities

Tesista de la carrera de periodismo, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Stgo, Chile. Journalism student UAH, 23 years old.