Dream a little dream of me — #ConnectingCities

Who am I? What is #ConnectingCities for me? Why do I want to be part of that project?

Evi Sidiropoulou
Connecting Cities
4 min readNov 24, 2015


Hello connecting-cities people! My name is Evi Sidiropoulou, I am 20 years old and I am a student at Panteion University at the deptartment of Communication, Media and Culture. I chose that university because I believe it can offer me opportunities to broaden my horizons and discover new things and places, as well as to challenge myself. I want to gain as many as possible from #ADandPRLab, because I believe it can give me the guidance I need for me future, professional career.

As far as I am concerned, I live in Athens with my family and my dog — yes, we consider he is part of the family — all my life. I was born and raised in Athens. I have 2 brothers and 3 best friends, more like sisters to me. Our friendship has started when we were 12 years old. Moreover, I love foreing languages and I had my Certificate in Proficiency in English when I was at the age of 16. Since then, I am teaching English to children at home. I want to learn Spanish and Chinese, as quickly as possible, but it’s a little bit difficult though. I am also crazy about singing and dancing. In summers, I work in a campsite, for 4 years now, but I went there as a child. I am the leader of a group of 100 children the most, at the age of 8–12 or/and at the age of 13–16. Last but not least, in my free time, I have started writing articles about coffeeshops and restaurants, an in one word, about places not so famous, but still worth a visit. My blog is in English, so everyone can read them, (feel free to check it out — www.evisintown.wordpress.com). I am a beginner though, so do not be surprised by the numbers of the articles. With that blog, I want to increase me creativity, as I would visit so many places all around Athens and not only, and I also want to get out of comfort zone and discover new places. I would love if you send me a story of a place like that in your city, and want to share it with me in my blog.

What is #ConnectingCities for me?
#ConnectingCities to me is a multimedia collaborative storytelling experiment, through that cities and people can connect, learn and understand each other, creating a strong and unconditional bond. Acceptance of the different will be learned. Tolerance is not an option. When you tolerate, it means that something bothers you. On the other side of the coin, when you accept, it means that you learn to live with that and recognise that this thing has a meaning for someone, whether you agree or not. Except for all the above, people and cities will unite through that process, as long as they are patient in learning — e.g. one speaks and the other listens, and the opposite. It is an interrelated process, where everyone can benefit from that. In addition to those, people and cities will tell stories to each other to see the similarities and the differences in their ordinary life, the things they do, their believes, their feelings. They will recognise that all of those have something in common, maybe a common start, a common end, or a common thought. They may be different when you look, but they may be so similar in the inside, when you listen and search. Last but not least, Athens is a part of the project, and I am a member of the Greek team, coordinate by Betty Tsakarestou. I feel so honored to be chosen as one of the members.

Why do I want to be part of that project?
Because I believe it is a challenge for me, not only to teast my limits, but to connect with other people, too. I want to do a lot of things in my life, and my belief is that people is one the most important factors in each and every process and goal I’ve set to mind. I love communication and I love meeting new people. Apart from that, I imagine myself, in like 5–7 years from now, being a bridge among cities from different countries (or not), and bridging a gap that could has been created. Furthermore, excellent relationships (build in mutual respect and understanding) always lead to an excellent result. Why do I imagine being a bridge? Because I imagine myself walking down the street in Athens, and as I turn to the next alley, suddenly I am somewhere else, I’m in a different city, maybe I’m in Santiago, maybe I’m in Kampala, I don’t know. For the record, I have never travelled abroad. But, that never stopped me from learn whatever I want, about the city I want. I’m searching about the streets, how do they look like, about the stores, the houses, the sky, the sea etc. At least I can dream being there. Maybe you can guide me to your city and help me explore it!

As I mentioned before, I love meeting new people. I am looking forward to hear your stories and hopefully, one day, we will meet face to face. I can’t wait to work with the professors and students from Chile, China, Ecuador and Uganda.

Here, you can check out my intro — presentation video in vimeo for #ConnectingCities Project.



Evi Sidiropoulou
Connecting Cities

Senior Student at Panteion University at the Dept. of Communication, Media and Culture. Orientation : Advertising & Public Relations