Why do you change?

Evi Sidiropoulou
Connecting Cities
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2016

10 days after New Year’s Eve. You said that day, that you want to change yourself, your attitude, your way of life, your beliefs, thinking, motivations, etc. Still, you did nothing of the above.. So, I was wondering, why do you say all these and then do nothing?

Why is that happening? I believe it’s the Christmas spirit that make people think differently. I don’t know why. People have learnt to ask for something those days and they are so grumpy when they “must” give. They ask gifts, pets, Santa Claus to come over..and there are those people who ask from Santa-God to bring back those who are gone, at least for the holidays, or even for a couple minutes, just for a hug or a smile..
It is said that Christmas is a family celebration, gathering with friends and beloved ones, meeting new people, creating memories that last forever.

So, why do you make promises, and then set them aside? Promises to yourself, to your family, to your friends.. It’s a fresh, new year, a fresh, new start, an opportunity for change, for improvement.

You must grab that chance, try the new and do not allow fear control you. Have courage to explore the unknown. Do things you never imagine, experience different situations, get out of your comfort zone. People need to learn how to live! They need to learn how to feel! You don’t have to be stressed all day, at every moment. There is always a little door, somewhere, writes “exit”.. Exit from the ordinary, the usual, the boredom, the pressure. A door to guide you to change, to feelings, to life.

What can you do? Lots of things! Do not go to the cinema, go to a theater performance instead. Do not play games in your computer for five hours, read a book. You can choose what kind of books you gonna read. Do not go to the ordinary coffee shop close to your house, go to another one, maybe a little further, where you can play board games. Do not go for a ride with your car, go for a walk in the park (OK! if you don’t have nice parks close to you, take your car and go to one). Be a volunteer, be a dancer, be a student (again) of a foreign language. There are so many things you can do.

Do not break your promises you give to yourself, to life. As years goes by, you will regret it! Start now, Make the Change!



Evi Sidiropoulou
Connecting Cities

Senior Student at Panteion University at the Dept. of Communication, Media and Culture. Orientation : Advertising & Public Relations