Biden is LBJ for 2021

Every JFK needs an LBJ — Biden’s first 100 days have been epic in scope and ambition

Frederic Guarino
Connecting dots


Prologue: this writer confesses to being a Biden fan since 2007, this tweet from 2008 is digital proof:

If Barack Obama was how DL Hughley put it, “what we aspire to be, Trump is who we are”, Joe Biden is truly America at its best: setting ambitious goals and making them happen, the hard way. His massive COVID relief bill, coupled with a sweeping infrastructure investment bill, could shift America’s political and economic landscape in ways unseen since the 1960s. Joe Biden, the veteran legislator, could be LBJ 2.0 and deliver lasting and profound change.

His rousing address to Congress on April 28 and his rally in Georgia on April 29 saw Biden practice retail politics at its best. Biden’s storytelling is focused on rallying the middle class by doing what too few leaders have done so far: explain in simple, repeatable terms that protecting our planet means “millions of new, good paying jobs”.

Cornel West appeared on CNN on April 29 and had some choice words, saying Biden:

