Is Murdoch throwing Trump under the bus ?

NY Post and Fox News are starting to become Trump critics — updated

Frederic Guarino
Connecting dots
4 min readDec 13, 2018


Rupert Murdoch, when he passes, will surely be remembered as a master business strategist who built the first true global media company. He should also be remembered for purposely debasing democracy across 3 continents. His media properties have worked to cripple democratic debate in Australia and the UK since the 1960s and the US since the 1980s. His hunch there was a space in the US media landscape to bring talk radio trash talk to cable news led to the launch of Fox News in 1996. That Fox News is spoken of as Roger Ailes’ creation, thus absolving its primary financier and business hand, Murdoch, is Keyser Soze-level.

By most account, Murdoch has always thought Trump was a clownish and boorish figure. The reports of his insults towards the President have been constant and they’ve been described as frenemies. Where a clueless Les Moonves resorts to a public ownership of Big Media’s Faustian bargain with Trump “you’re bad for America but great for profits”, Murdoch is a famously cagey operator.

It’s therefore quite telling that in a matter of weeks, post-midterm elections, Murdoch’s media empire, branded as lapdogs to Trump, is starting to show deep fangs:

Who’s next in the Murdoch empire to be given the go ahead to turn on Trump and start sowing doubt amongst the “base” ?

The Wall St Journal was the first to keep investigating the Stormy Daniels story and to needle Trump:

More from Fox:

““There’s ample evidence … to indict the president,” Napolitano said. “The question is do they want to do it. The DOJ has three opinions on this. Two say you can’t indict a sitting president, one says you can but all three address the problem of what do you do when the statute of limitations is about to expire. All three agree in that circumstance you indict in secret, keep the indictment sealed and release it the day they get out of office.”

Fox and its key shows and anchors are seemingly turning on Trump:

