Perspective on Brexit-the triumph of corruption and a small-minded pseudo bourgeoisie — updated

Frederic Guarino
Connecting dots
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2016

David Cameron will go down as the worst UK conservative PM ever. He represents the narrow-minded, inward-looking pseudo bourgeoisie that has sold his country to the highest bidder, shafting the people and lining their own pockets while blaming Brussels for their own shortcomings.

This is the failure of small-minded navel gazing people who will be remembered as the most corrupt in history. Boris Johnson is a tool, a fool who will most surely bring back the UK to where it was in the 1970s.

This is the failure of an intellectually corrupt European Union power structure, of a group of countries who gave us JC Juncker as the “leader” of the European Commission.

This is the triumph of a corrupt financial system, which Robert Saviano summarized as follows: ““It’s not the bureaucracy, it’s not the police, it’s not the politics but what is corrupt is the financial capital. 90 per cent of the owners of capital in London have their headquarters offshore.“Jersey and the Cayman’s are the access gates to criminal capital in Europe and the UK is the country that allows it. That is why it is important why it is so crucial for me to be here today and to talk to you because I want to tell you , this is about you, this is about your life, this is about your government.” ““Leaving the EU means allowing this to take place. It means allowing the Qatari societies, the Mexican cartels, the Russian Mafia to gain even more power and HSBC has paid £2 billion Euros in fines to the US government, because it confessed that it had laundered money coming from the cartels and the Iranian companies. We have proof, we have evidence.”

This is the failure of the EU expansion to 27 members, a movement started by Helmut Kohl in 1991, purely for German economic reasons.

As a Canadian, I’m not proud at all of the “Mother Country” for giving in to economic, intellectual and political corruption.

As a Frenchman, brought up on the idea of a united Europe, I weep at the sight of the ruins left by the babyboomer generation yet again.

We’re living in interesting times and are seeing the beginnings of a realignment of the world, away from 19th century top down political constructs. The #brexit vote is a democratic exercise in all its messiness, and should be respected, even if my choice were I a UK voter would have been to remain. The strong message it sends to political elites is that they should not underestimate the anger and frustration of the people that live in rural, suburban areas which have been de-industralized over the past 3 decades. The disappearance of a strong middle class of manual workers has been put under the rug in most Western countries and those millions forgotten.

The #brexit vote is the first sign of the spectacular failure of the Blair-Clinton Third Way when left of center parties cozied up to Big Business and basically co-opted right of center economic policies.

This failure has been profound in the US so-called “flyover” states, who will rally to Trump the same way England rallied to the Leave.

Again, a warning to my well-meaning Hillary supporters, she has no answers and little political experience deflecting populism at the level it is at now. Trump’s campaign is going to be against the elites which have let the US middle class go into huge debt and/or unemployment and have not created the conditions for manual and non-knowledge workers to flourish.

The Second Gilded Age, like the first one, will not end with a whisper.

