Political theater in DC

The Timecop syndrome and political realignment

Frederic Guarino
Connecting dots
1 min readJan 25, 2018


As DC engulfs itself into a weird and complex Congress v FBI polemic Noah Rothman’s Timecop reference below unveiled a stark truth: DC is plagued with a fever of political theater.

Indeed, if just three years ago you’d foreseen that the national security party a.k.a. the GOP and the ACLU-supporting party a.k.a. the Democrats could have traded places, you would have been laughed at. To see prominent Democrats turn into daily defenders of the FBI, all the while sitting GOP senators talk about a “secret society” plotting a coup to support the republic is mind boggling and J Edgar Hoover must be making somersaults in the afterlife.

The hypocrisy metre is deep in the red for both parties. It is quite clear that the tribal culture wars and reflexive anti-Trump sentiments have corroded the body politic.

It is therefore time to ponder whether or not a needed realignment is possible, with the goal of uniting realists, in the manner Macron in France and Rivera in Spain have done. Who will lead the way ?

