Trump, weakest President since Carter


Frederic Guarino
Connecting dots
2 min readJan 20, 2018


As official Washington goes into meltdown mode with a government actually shut down, some needed perspective.

Trump remains the weakest president in decades both in temperament and through the political cards he dealt himself. His Trumpian “movement” is a minority in the country, perhaps the last gasp of a generation that like in the early 1900s is seeing its world spin too fast. His brand of “genius” is built on the back of decades of the coarsening of political discourse amped up by Fox News. He trafficked in overt racism nativism populism and managed improbably to corner the electoral college against a much disliked Hillary Clinton. A self-professed political neophyte, he has spent his campaign and now a quarter of his first term insulting everyone and everything.

On immigration, he has shown his manic depressive nature as well as his inherent weakness. Trump’s weakness is matched by that of the GOP Congress where Ryan is about to be gored by the Freedom Caucus in and McConnell has a one seat majority. The media, aside from outliers, forget to remind the public that the Founders purposely created a divided government, to make it hard but necessary to build compromise. Trump’s ignorance and distaste for everything not about his navel is about to meet a real wall, reality.

