My Quest

Why I write “Connecting Everything”

Dr. Shaul Dar
Connecting Everything
2 min readJan 27, 2021


From early childhood I loved science. I thought of becoming a physicist, but realized that making a career out of it would be hard, and chose the more practical path of computer and data science. I have been a technologist for many years, and I still enjoy learning and applying new technology, in the last decade mostly around big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence. But as time, and life, go on, I find myself more and more interested in people, in human relationships and the human society.

And it is clear this human society is in crisis. The symptoms are all over the board: from global warming, destruction of essential earth resources and natural disasters to poverty, increasing financial inequality, social unrest, to cyber attacks and failures of digital infrastructures, erosion of trust in the media, governments and leaders, polarization of politics and societies, mounting international tensions, terrorism, and wars. And if all those were not enough, covid-19 came along.

We can view all these phenomena as unrelated and annoying “accidents”, or as predictable and related milestones in our natural evolution, labor pains of a new humanity. The former view is individual. The latter is collective. I believe that not only is the second perspective more encouraging, it is also the truth. Nature is evolving us, and we should embrace this.

This evolution requires us to change. Change requires understanding. I called my publication “Connecting Everything: exploring nature, human society, and life in an interconnected universe.” I devote quite a bit of time to do the research, organize the materials, and make each post as informative and interesting as I can. I do it because I hope to bring some light to people’s minds and hearts. If you like what you read, please share it!

We are all connected, and we are here for a purpose. Let’s discover it. Together.



Dr. Shaul Dar
Connecting Everything

Married. 2 sons. PhD in Computer Science. Technologist, data scientist and lecturer. Worked at leading research institutions, startups and intl. corporations.