“World Environment Day”?

We Have An Attitude Problem Towards Nature

Dr. Shaul Dar
Connecting Everything
3 min readJun 6, 2020


World Environment Day is celebrated on 5 June every year, and is the United Nations’ principal vehicle for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of the environment (Wikipedia).

Unfortunately being aware of the environment one day a year is not enough. In 2019, the UN released a “dramatic” report stating that 1,000,000 species are threatened with extinction. Another report by the World Economic Forum has the alarming title “a decade left”. Humanity is endangering life on Earth, our home, and as result our own survival, and time is running out.

The UN reports states gravely that “Current global response is insufficient; ‘Transformative changes’ are needed to restore and protect nature” etc. But we all know these words will not change anything. Why is that?

Attitude Problem

IMHO the problem does not start with our actions but with our attitude. I tried to express this in the images below. We apparently believe that we are above nature (1). In fact, we are part of nature (2). And if we take it a step further, and relate to nature as the universal and higher force that has created and sustains everything in perfect harmony, we may realize that we are below nature (3).

Save the Axolotl — Why?

One story mentioned in the World Economic Forum report is Save the Axolotl. The axolotl is a salamander with “a unique ability to regenerate severed limbs, which unlocks medicinal and scientific opportunities for everything from tissue repair to development and cancer. After centuries of inbreeding, captive populations are at risk and scientists could lose the opportunity to learn vital information about the animal’s biology that could have significant benefits for human health”.

Apparently we need to save this particular species because it may be useful for us, humans. What an egoistic and distorted approach! We need to change our harmful attitude to nature, and to each other, for the benefit of the whole, the universe, of which are are a part. It is written that “man is the crown of creation”. Before we can be kings let us learn how to be good citizens.



Dr. Shaul Dar
Connecting Everything

Married. 2 sons. PhD in Computer Science. Technologist, data scientist and lecturer. Worked at leading research institutions, startups and intl. corporations.