Connections: Launching our Podcast feat. David Sable (Global CEO of Y&R)

Daniel Rodic
Connections by Exact Media
4 min readNov 26, 2016


At Exact Media, we work closely with marketers on iconic brands owned by companies like Procter & Gamble, L’Oréal, Unilever, PepsiCo and Johnson & Johnson.

As a co-founder of the business, I spend a lot of time thinking about how to add value to our peers in this industry. In an age where founders like Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg are celebrated like rockstars, my fellow entrepreneurs and I have access to a bevy of content featuring stories of the leaders I hope to emulate.

For young professionals who aspire to be leaders within a company (i.e. they have no desire to start their own venture), there is very little opportunity for them to learn from the C-Suite leaders they aspire to become.

Their stories are rarely told despite them running organizations that serve and employ millions of people around the world.

We decided to fix that.

Introducing Connections, a Podcast by Exact Media

My Co-Founder Ray Cao and I are excited to launch Connections, our new Podcast series which profiles stories of the leaders and legends in the marketing industry.

Upcoming guests include:

The focus of our hour long interviews are about the individual themselves, not the companies they work for.

We cover their childhood. Their first job. The moments of failure where they thought they might get fired. We discuss the specific tactics that have made them successful, in hopes that our listeners can incorporate some of these best practices into their own daily lives, and accelerate their careers as a result.

Our first guest was David Sable. Here’s what I learned.

As a bit of background, David Sable is the Global CEO of Y&R, one of the world’s largest advertising agencies with over 16,000 employees around the world.

In listening to this interview, there were a few things that stood out to me.

  1. Like many other successful leaders, he’s an avid reader. However, he has a keen focus on reading the classics like Shakespeare. There’s a reason why certain works of writing have lasted for generations, and re-reading them is the only way to truly understand the nuances of why these stories are ever lasting.
  2. David’s success comes from his continual pursuit of new opportunities. One of his early professional jobs put him in charge of training and hiring an entire team. Soon after, he built a company in Israel. Then he came back to the US to build a marketing technology company to take advantage of the booming technology industry. His work ethic is relentless.
  3. The importance of regularly disconnecting every weekend reenergizes him, and ensures he is 100% present when spending time with his family. Both Tim Ferriss and Gary Vaynerchuk are two other leaders I look up to, who advocate a similar practice of disconnecting and being 100% present when spending quality time with your close friends and family.

You can listen to this, and future episodes on iTunes, Stitcher, Overcast, Google Play and Soundcloud. Or, you can subscribe below.


Daniel Rodic is the Co-Founder of Exact Media, which is transforming the world of direct mail by enabling brands owned by companies like P&G, PepsiCo, Unilever and L’Oréal to distribute samples and coupons using the excess space in eCommerce parcels that have already been shipped to consumer.

Daniel was named Top 30 Under 30 by Marketing Magazine, and represented Canada at the G20 Entrepreneurs Summit in Moscow and Beijing. Daniel served on the Leadership Council for the United Nations Media for Social Impact Summit and he is a 2016 finalist for the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award.

Note: This story was originally published in LinkedIn

