A New Journey

Misti Smith
Connecting the Future’s Dots
2 min readOct 3, 2014


Recently I was lucky enough to find that I was slowly becoming obscelete at my job, which led me to find and secure a new, exciting job opportunity (the lucky part). This job is my chance to put into action all the ideas, plans and projects I have been creating at my past job but never came to fruition due to lack of support. My passion is incorporating technology in meaningful ways into the educational experience. This new job has given me full creative freedom to do so with a new, never before run program that I will essentially create from the ground up. Fun… and scary, but certainly exciting.

My goal in these stories, is to share my journey through this exciting process and to hopefully connect with others out there who have done what I am doing and innovators who have new, forward thinking ideas to share.

I am inspired by great thinkers and innovators in technology and one of these, Steve Jobs, was the inspiration for this collection. A quote of his goes as follows:

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

I trust that the dots will connect for me in the future and I am going to try and ensure that happens.

