Three Mistakes I Made When Creating My WordPress Site

I managed to temporarily lose my website and my email in one night.

Jennifer Osborne


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

I generally consider myself a tech-savvy millennial. I didn’t grow up with computers, or cell phones for that matter. Although I quickly adjusted to technology while still in college.

I can use all of the millennial apps like Facebook and Twitter. Instagram and Snapchat are beyond my interests/abilities at my old age of 38. I am still not quite sure what a Tik Tok is.

In any case, I felt confident enough to enter the world of website creation.

The anxiety I felt while trying to choose a blogging platform was intense. I knew I wanted my own space to kickstart a few writing projects. I still write in several niches, so I wasn’t sure if I wanted one website or three.

After hours of research (and stress), I decided to go with Blogger. It was free. Everything I read told me not to go with Blogger as it was difficult to scale up.

I decided that a website that would have an easier learning curve than WordPress would suit my time and energy constraints.

Disclaimer: I am still a bit mystified about how I managed to fix all of the kinks. Please do not use any of my steps.



Jennifer Osborne

Educational Leadership Policy Ph.D. Student ⎪Editor of Educate.