Ecovent Releases Smart Vents to Open Source

Conor O'Mahony
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2018
Ecovent’s smart vent for wall installations.

Ecovent are one of the world’s leading smart vent manufacturers. In 2015, the experts at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) bestowed upon Ecovent the Mark of Excellence Award for Automation Device of the Year. The experts on the hugely popular Ask This Old House TV show declared that “these [vents] achieve the Holy Grail of forced-air comfort”. And now Ecovent is releasing its smart vents to the open source community. You might wonder why Ecovent is doing this?

Ecovent is open sourcing its smart vents to accelerate innovation. The smart vent market is in its early stages, with the majority of buyers falling into the early adopter category. To move past the early adopters and to reach the mainstream market, the vents need to be less expensive and they need to continue to improve. Ecovent believes that by releasing its smart vent designs and specifications to the open source community, we will help accelerate this evolution.

By having as many people as possible working to improve the designs, smart vent innovation will accelerate. This will, in turn, ensure smart vents reach the mass market faster. And when that happens, all vendors in the smart vent market will benefit.

Not only is Ecovent releasing the designs and specifications to the open source community, but Ecovent is also actively partnering with companies to help them adapt these designs and leverage this technology.

To see the Ecovent designs and specifications, visit the project webpage at:

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Conor O’Mahony is head of product at ConnectM Technologies. Ecovent are a ConnectM Technologies company.



Conor O'Mahony
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Product leader (at Cognitive-X), Advisor (at Klaviyo), Investor (at HubAngels). Twitter: @conor_omahony