【Demo Movie Released!】New way of “going out” for upcoming automated vehicle society? | Ludens News

Couger Team
Published in
4 min readMay 5, 2019

Date : 2018–10–22

Can you imagine that driving with Virtual Human Agent?

“If there is an AI character inside the car that you can go for a drive together with.”

Couger Inc. is currently developing a next generation AI Interface — “Virtual Human Agent”, which possesses an even more refined visual and audio presentation as well as expressiveness of emotions compared to others in the past.

Being able to differentiate items within the AR space of smartphones, have closer interactions with users, walk together with people, respond positively when they are called upon, or even connect to user’s home appliances so to know to turn the lights on just before they get home, link with the calendar or weather forecast and make suggestions, utilize cameras in one room and recognizing that “more people have entered this room”, and suggests staff in the other room “why don’t you bring some drinks over there?”, is the ever evolving Virtual Human Agent.

This time, we have released the demo video of going out for a car ride with the Virtual Human Agent — Rachel, to public. Before anything else, first enjoy the video!

▼If driving with Virtual Human Agent

How was it? Wouldn’t it be great to have this for your car ride?

About Virtual Human Agent demo movie

Entering the backseat of a parked car are two women.

Rachel, as soon as she senses that someone has entered the vehicle…

She would differentiate and recognize who has entered the vehicle, and says “good morning” to them while addressing each of the two women by name.

Because she is connected to the calendar, she has a full grasp of the two women’s schedules, and she could tell that the event was inputted into the calendar from several months before, and the two must be looking forward to the event, and initiated conversation to the two excited women that “Today is the Music Festival you’ve been looking forward to, right?”.

In addition, she is connected to the weather forecast, “It seems like it is sunny around the event venue.” she was able to notify the two users, getting them even more excited. After the vehicle has set off, “Well then, I’ll put on the usual playlist.” she said as the songs from the two users’ preferred artists began to play inside the vehicle.

Casually, one of the women with the drink bottle in her hands took a sip. Rachel recognizes the drink bottle, and was able to realize the situation that “although there are two people, but there is only one drink bottle”.

Rachel then comments “One of you don’t have anything to drink, would you like to buy some at the convenience store?”, and subtly connects to the GPS, providing location of the nearest convenience store ahead, and suggests to the two.

The woman who was asked the question to answered “No, it’s alright”.

Virtual Human Agent analyzes contents of casual conversations

The two women began chatting in the car.

“Have you had breakfast yet?” “No, should we go eat somewhere?” an exchange of casual small talks.

Having analyzed the chit-chat between the two, Rachel joins in the conversation and suggests that, one of the women’s favorite Ramen restaurant is around 15 minutes away from where they were, how about it? (Picking up on a certain user’s preferences and hobbies and make suggestions based on them)

“Sounds good!” the women answered, and so Rachel turns the inquiry to the driver and asks “Do you know where the Ramen restaurant in this area is located?”

“Yes, I know” The driver answered, so they must be on their way over to the Ramen restaurant for some deliciousness after this. (Laughs)

That’s the demo video!

At Couger Inc., we are continuing to develop the Virtual Human Agent as one of the standardized applications of the future.

In development of AI, the brain of the Virtual Human Agent, we are eagerly seeking and engaging with highly skilled AI specialized engineers to collaborate in computer vision, character AI, natural language processing and various specific fields.

Also, we are collaborating with automotive manufacturers to advance in the business development of what will redefine the mobility space experience — Virtual Human Agent, and eagerly seeking candidates for Biz Dev department representatives to assist in the effort.

Join in with us and let us create together, from smartphones to AI speakers, and now on to the next generation interface technology!



Couger Team
Editor for

We develop next generation interface “Virtual Human Agent” and XAI(Explainable AI).