A global marketplace of knowledge on the stellar blockchain

Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2018

The implementation of an effective and inclusive knowledge economy requires three main prerequisites:
Ease and Speed of Trade, Transaction Security, Trust Environment.

The Stellar BlockChain naturally provides all these prerequisites to support the platform’s 50,000 annual transactions, thanks to its properties. This is possible with a low cost thanks to a reliable freely accessible and globally established infrastructure.

Threshold signatures categorise transaction signatures according to types, each of which carries an allotted weight. The idea is that no transaction can be actioned unless the weights involved in the submission of that transaction to the network sum to a given figure. And by assigning a specific, non-replicable weight to the signatures of payees themselves, Stellar thus allows for a transaction mechanism which grants the receiver of funds the ability to accept or reject those funds.

“It was important for us to implement a PayPal-type facility in which payees themselves can approve or reject the transaction. Stellar was the only platform amongst the options we studied which offers this capability,”

The BlockChain provides both the tools and the secured technical environment to remove the existing technical and administrative barriers related to the current monetary and banking systems.

The 4 key elements exploited by the CONNECTY platform are:

  • Secure the knowledge exchange market on Connecty.io with an annual volume estimated at 100M euros: Creation of a secured environment of trust in the shape of a knowledge marketplace where research actors and innovation actors can meet, exchange and freely discuss under the protection of anonymity.
  • Fluidify C2C and B2B exchanges: Fluidification of 50,000 knowledge exchange annual missions thanks to the possibility of making modest (C2C) and significant transactions (B2B).
  • Decentralization of a global outsourced R&D market in the amount of $134 billion: Globalization and decentralization of the knowledge economy. Wherever you are, whoever you are (individual or company), if you have knowledge that interests someone, you can value it and exchange it for tokens CTY.
  • Globalized circular knowledge economy with 1 million companies and laboratories and 100 million persons with a specific knowledge: Establishment of a circular economy centered on the knowledge economy and the open innovation through the introduction of a new currency only dedicated to the exchange of knowledge.

Find out more in the ICOExaminer article: http://bit.ly/2OuNkyW

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Read the connecty White paper :

White paper

