A unique Platform to unite around an ecosystem of knowledge and innovation

Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2018

The goal of Connecty.io can be summarized as follows: the advent of a true circular economy implies the dynamization of the current knowledge ecosystem.

Ecosystem: A group of living beings who live in an environment or specific environment and interact with each other within that environment and with that environment.

Its expansion will be done naturally by federating around Connecty.io all the protagonists that it counts:

actors of the worlds of knowledge and innovation, present and future. Namely:

The creators and holders of knowledge, public or private:

  • Legal entities: universities, laboratories, schools, etc.
  • Individuals: doctors, academics, researchers, independent experts, etc.

The innovative, in charge of converting knowledge into innovation:

  • Companies: start-ups, SMEs, mid-cap, large groups;
  • Public entities in charge of major projects: municipalities, local communities, etc.

Accompanying innovation:

  • Incubators and accelerators;
  • Consulting firms (intellectual property, innovation, etc.);
  • Innovation poles, innovation clusters, competitiveness clusters, professional networks, etc.
Connecty is a mix of innovators, knowledge creators and acompanying

Connecty.io, a new actor in the world of innovation

Connecty.io is not a Freelance platform on which people look for someone to do things, it is a place where people meet and exchange, and a place where anyone can find the one who is able to tell how to do.

Connecty.io is a platform for linking, dating and matching between two distinct populations: The knowledge creators (researchers, laboratories, universities), and the innovators (entrepreneurs, SMEs, large groups). Our platform is a synthesis of three major features:

Connecty, Three major tools for innovation

Connecty.io brings together in a single service a linking platform, an intelligent search engine linking the common language with scientific and business language, and an extraordinary database including all public and private laboratories, and the innovation actors.

Thanks to innovation, Connecty wants to advance our societies towards an awareness of their role and responsibilities regarding the respect of humanity and the environment.

The team looks forward to seeing you on our Social Network :

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Read the connecty White paper :

White paper

