Amarok is on Public Testnet!

You can now bridge, run a router, or build on top of the newest Connext upgrade.

Massimo Lomuscio
4 min readMay 23, 2022


Amarok transactions on Testnet

This is a big milestone for the Amarok release that allows us to open up testing with builders and our community.

Amarok, the codename for our next network upgrade, enables:

  • One-click bridging: Faster, cheaper, and more seamless transfers across chains. Users will always receive native assets (or the most liquid and secure synthetic assets) at their destination.
  • Building xchain applications: Developers are no longer limited to users, funds, or data on only a single chain. You can now build truly chain-agnostic experiences without sacrificing security. Think xchain swaps — any asset to any asset, xchain governance, xchain NFTs, and much more.

The Future of dApp Development

Connext is set to become a key piece of the web3 infrastructure. Help us build it with the Contributor Program.

Amarok is made possible by the Modular Interoperability Stack (MIS), a piece of infrastructure of multiple solutions for crosschain, composable, and expressive communication.

The MIS is xChain Bridging & Building

Currently, individual blockchains struggle to talk with each other in a secure way, with assets and apps not working across chains. It’s time to upgrade from multichain to xchain.

The need to have a connection between otherwise isolated (or practically isolated → ie slow) ecosystems will only increase, whether it will be an Ethereum-centric future (L2s xchain communication) or not (L1-L1).

A communication protocol between chains & rollups flexible and powerful enough to build trust-minimized, scalable and generalizable xchain applications was missing. Until now.

The Amarok upgrade combines the power of Connext’s existing protocols, Nomad, and other infrastructure. The Modular Interoperability Stack allows for trustless movements of data and tokens across multiple chains.

Bring tokens on any chain, at the right time, with the necessary liquidity.

The MIS is Secure Composability

The MIS aims to overcome the interoperability trilemma (as Ethereum+L2s are aiming to overcome the scalability trilemma) through multiple technical layers that provide the best option for crosschain routing: the most secure and economically convenient.

The stack is flexible to accommodate different needs and different stakeholders.
it can be combined to build new xchain-first applications.

Who is going to use it:

  • Users → the most secure bridge in the space with an improved flow to always have your transactions go through
  • Builders → easy and powerful API. Build a xchain app with 2 lines of code. Supports full smart contract based integrations. Ships with a Typescript SDK for direct integration into web (or NodeJS) applications.
  • DAOs (we love DAOs) → check our proposal for Index Coop
  • Others: centralized entities, institutions, protocols, …

The MIS is:

  • Fast: move between chains in minutes.
  • Scalable: adaptable to any smart contract chain
  • Trust minimized: avoiding external validators to complete transactions.
  • Executable from wallets, multisigs (hello Gnosis Safe ❤), and smart contracts.

Why is the stack so secure?

Nomad, the messaging layer of the MIS, implements an Optimistic mechanism, an approach that requires only 1 good actor in the space to be secure: This is a massive improvement in security compared to solutions that rely on an honest majority to validate transactions.

On top of Nomad, Connext provides fast secure liquidity so that users and xApps can have immediate access to funds on any chain, and an easy to implement API to execute any cross chain operation.

The MIS is Expressive Communication

Build previously unimaginable xchain dapps. xChain lending, governance, wrapped NFTs, all in the most trust minimized way.

The MIS allows for fully expressive xchain communication using a single simple interface, including expressive contract development patterns and javascript-style asynchronous callbacks on different chains.

A dream for developers, magic for their users.

Wen? Testnet now, mainnet soon(TM)

As we stabilize testnet and complete the audits, we are keen to move to mainnet as soon as possible. Join our Discord for early updates!

About Connext

Connext is a network for fast, trustless communication between chains and rollups. It is the only interoperability system of its type that does this cheaply and quickly without introducing any new trust assumptions. Connext is aimed at developers who are looking to build bridges and other natively cross-chain applications. To date, over $1.5b in transactions have crossed the network.

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