EthAmsterdam — Announcing Connext Hackathon Winners

Massimo Lomuscio
Published in
4 min readApr 26, 2022

EthAmsterdam and DevConnect were incredible events, a melting pot of incredible people, narratives, and projects. All of this right after our announcements of Amarok and the NEXT token!

We wanted to thank all the amazing hackers we met: the future of finance is you!

We hacked together for 55+ hours and are pleased with the enthusiasm and creativity that developers are starting to put into Connext. We are definitely just starting.

Congratulations to the following teams for winning the Connext prizes at EthAmsterdam!

We had several submissions, and decided to reward these teams for their vision, potential, and execution.

xNFTs — Crosschain NFTs — Best xApp

xNFTs is a protocol to create native cross chain NFTs, and upgrade all NFTs with crosschain functionalities so they can move across blockchains, marketplaces and metaverses in a trustless way.

It was developed by the bright Taiju Sanagi, a creative technologist that has been involved with NFTs programming for years.

Night hacking

Taiju was able to ship a fully functional dApp. The team was truly impressed by his talent and we are glad we found a new friend to hang around with!

FLOAN — xchain Debt Teleporter

FLOAN is a 1-click tool to migrate users’ debt positions to a new chain.

Built by Ivan Flores Hurtado, Daigaro Cota, Tiago Neto, Julian Praest, and Guillaume Lodi , they reached the finals of the Hackathon with other 12 projects — congrats team we really loved your UI!

Cross chain interest rate arbitraging is coming?


Built by Ainhoa Aparicio Aldave, Sahra Karakoç, Yasmeen Roumie and Lena Hierzi, zk-Maia is a private crosschain bridge that allows users to transfer their assets at low cost and yearn yield in the process.

An ambitious project that concatenates multiple protocols and aims to bring privacy in a multichain world.

All tired but happy

Herd of Cows

An ambitious project to upgrade the COW swap mechanism with crosschain functionalities.

We are looking forward to seeing how Mohammed Al-Husari, Agnes Kocsis, Konrad Gnat, Ashlyn Barry, Narges Hadji-Hosseini and Mrkva Lumir will progress this!

What has been built in just a few days is incredible, and it confirms that more and more builders are looking at cross chain protocols to build the NEXT wave of innovation.

Builders look for:

  • Protocols that are easy to integrate.
  • Protocols that are cheap and fast to use.
  • Protocols that are actually trust minimized, and therefore secure.

Connext is all of this.

Connext is the interoperability protocol that will power thousands of crosschain dApps on every blockchain, moving tokens and data in a trust minimized way.

Get ready.

About Connext

Connext is a network for fast, trustless communication between chains and rollups. It is the only interoperability system of its type that does this cheaply and quickly without introducing any new trust assumptions. Connext is aimed at developers who are looking to build bridges and other natively cross-chain applications. To date, over $1.3b in transactions have crossed the network.

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