Sign up for the Connext Pilot Program

Million-user blockchain applications, here we come!

Arjun Bhuptani
2 min readJul 6, 2018


Tl;dr: Sign up for our Pilot Program on our landing page!

We’re getting very close to our mainnet launch with SpankChain, and so it’s time to start looking ahead to where we’ll go next. We want to find more projects to roll out Connext Hubs with before we move into our full open beta in a few months. To do that, we’ve created the Connext Pilot Program!

What are we looking for?

Four to five Ethereum projects that have problems with gas/confirmation times as a part of their core product. These projects should have a high frequency of 2-person interactions (payments, etc.) within their ecosystem or network. Ideally, these projects already have user traction, so we can get a real sense of how state channels change UX.

What types of companies are a good fit for v1 Connext Hubs?

We expect that this would include projects doing the following types of activities:

  • Content monetization, micropayments, and streaming payments projects.
  • Peer to peer marketplaces.
  • Machine to machine and IoT microtransactions.
  • Subscription model companies.
  • High frequency trading on decentralized exchanges.
  • Existing Web2.0 companies that do any of the above and want to tokenize.

Of course, there are likely many many more use cases that we haven’t thought of yet, so please reach out even if your project doesn’t fit neatly into one of these categories!

Where can you sign up?

Head on over to our (new) landing page and click Get Started. Once you sign up, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

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Arjun Bhuptani

Founder of Everclear (prev Connext). Ethereum developer, game theory enthusiast, physics nerd, occasional sleeper.