Superfluid Integrates Connext: a xChain Streaming Bridge is Born

Superfluid and Connext are excited to unveil a new collaboration and technical integration that is set to create a new primitive in the blockchain ecosystem: fluid streaming of tokens across any domain and L2.

Massimo Lomuscio
4 min readJun 14, 2022


The evolution of finance, work, money.

Tokens are the best tool humanity has created to exchange value between entities — individuals and companies.

However these transactions on the blockchain are still respecting a paradigm of the traditional world of single, specific, individual tranches: Alice sends 1 ETH to Bob, Tim pays 1 BTC for a service.

This fixed-transaction mechanism of exchange has worked for thousands of years in history, but it lacks a binding connection with the critical factor related to humans and the world as we know it: time.

Time does not proceed in chunks but rather as a continuous, uninterrupted flow. Our experience is tied to this unstoppable stream, and it only makes sense for value exchanges to also mirror this mechanism.

We are excited to support Superfluid’s innovation of creating a native bond between money and time: money streaming.

Streaming money is the best way to reward humans for their work, pay for subscriptions, rent an item, or establish long-term relationships between two entities, fairly and continuously exchanging value.

But this continuous flow of value would be limited if it was confined to a single domain. To maximize their potential, money streams need to be free to be directed anywhere in the blockchain and metaverse realms.

This is why Superfluid decided to integrate Connext, unlocking the value of time to an infinite meta-space.

The Connext SDK allows builders to easily create xchain applications without having to think about the complex infrastructure and security mechanisms that are required for interoperability: these are all taken care of by Connext in the background, leaving developers free to focus on their core product.
Connext security is guaranteed by the canonical bridges of the various chains and L2s, an architecture that allows Connext the most trust-minimized solution possible.

Now any crypto organization or individual can start a money stream on any chain, and receive it on any other chain connected by the secure bridge — without needing liquidity on any specific network.

Francesco Renzi, Co-Founder and CEO at Superfluid, explained:

“The ability to stream money across chains will enable crypto-native capital to flow freely and continuously throughout the Web3 ecosystem, unlocking compelling new use cases for developers, users, and investors. We couldn’t be more excited to be collaborating with Connext to create the industry’s first-ever cross-chain streaming bridge — a technological breakthrough for DeFi that perfectly encapsulates the power of composability and collaboration in Web3.”

Some examples of possible xStreams:

  • A DAO stream-paying its contributors and allowing members to receive their streams on their preferred chain
  • A stablecoin stream starting from Optimism, where a user has funds, to DCA native tokens on Avalanche

While the integration is still in its early stages and the teams are working to make it production ready, you can expect a lot of new use cases to emerge in the coming months: xchain token streaming is coming!

Do you want to build with Connext and Superfluid?
There is a bounty for you at the upcoming ETHNY

About Superfluid

Superfluid is the leading asset streaming protocol that enables Web3 native subscriptions, salaries and rewards for DAOs and crypto-native businesses. It can be used to describe cash flows and execute them automatically on-chain over time in a non-interactive way. Superfluid streams transfer value in a constant flow over time between wallets, in a non-custodial and permissionless way. Streams are programmable, composable, and modular, allowing developers to build custom applications on top of the protocol. No capital is locked up, and all inflows and outflows are netted in real-time at every block without consuming any gas. Ongoing streams can be forwarded as they are received to both wallets and applications, eliminating delays and drastically increasing capital efficiency.

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About Connext

Connext is a network for fast, trustless communication between chains and rollups. It is the only interoperability system of its type that does this cheaply and quickly without introducing any new trust assumptions. Connext is aimed at developers who are looking to build bridges and other natively cross-chain applications. To date, over $1.5b in transactions have crossed the network.

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