Data Visualization and Analysis (Goodreads Part III)

Connor Higgins
Connor Higgins
Published in
6 min readDec 11, 2019


This is a short followup to this post showing some of the simple analyses and visualizations you can do with the data collected by the webscraper. I’ll be using a fairly sizable dataset with 2891 works, from some of the most popular epic fantasy books on

Key statistical findings from Best Epic Fantasy:

  • User-submitted genre tags are not independent of whether the work receives or is nominated for an award
  • The genre also seems to be related to page lengths as well, with “Fantasy” works having the longest length.
  • Average rating is not significantly related to whether a work recieves an award…
  • …but the total number of ratings recieved is significantly related to awards.

Some other suggestions for uses not covered here:

  • Machine Learning: For example, using text classification to predict the genre tag given a title
  • Conduct analyses across several lists: One can scrape several lists and combine the results by the goodReadsID identifier column (e.g., for comparing favorite genres)


Character data

Wordcloud of the book titles

############# TITLE WORDCLOUD #############################################
# Create corpus
# now creating a document-feature matrix using dfm()
T.plot<-dfm(title.corpus, tolower = TRUE, remove_punct = TRUE, remove_twitter = TRUE, remove_numbers = TRUE, remove=stopwords(source = "smart"))
# Colors
T.col <- brewer.pal(10, "BrBG")
# Create Wordcloud
textplot_wordcloud(T.plot, min_count = 16, color = T.col)

Wordcloud of the book descriptions

############# DESCRIPTIONS WORDCLOUD #############################################
# Create corpus
# now creating a document-feature matrix using dfm()
D.plot<-dfm(descriptions.corpus, tolower = TRUE, remove_punct = TRUE, remove_twitter = TRUE, remove_numbers = TRUE, remove=stopwords(source = "smart"))
# Colors
D.col <- brewer.pal(10, "BrBG")
# Wordcloud
textplot_wordcloud(D.plot, min_count = 16, color = D.col)

Numerical data

Total Ratings: Histogram and Boxplot

# Note: Total Reviews were very highly skewed, therefore the below graph uses logarithms.
ggplot(data = bestEpicFantasy, aes(log(bestEpicFantasy$total_ratings)))+
geom_histogram(bins = 25,fill="dodgerblue4")+
labs(title="Histogram for Total # of Reviews")+
labs(x="Log Total Reviews",y="Counts")
## Warning: Removed 8 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).
ggplot(data = bestEpicFantasy, aes(y=bestEpicFantasy$total_ratings,x=""))+
labs(title="Boxplot for Total Ratings")+
labs(y="Total # of Ratings",x="")
#Outlier: It is Harry Potter book 1 (no surprise there)
## title
## 2080 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)
## total_ratings
## 2080 5374966

Pages: Histogram and Boxplot

#################### PLOT Pages #########################################pageplt<-ggplot(data = bestEpicFantasy, aes(bestEpicFantasy$pageCounts))+
geom_histogram(bins = 25,fill="dodgerblue4")+
labs(title="Histogram for Page Lengths")+
labs(x="Total Pages",y="Counts")
## Warning: Removed 472 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).
ggplot(data = bestEpicFantasy, aes(y=bestEpicFantasy$pageCounts,x=""))+
labs(title="Boxplot for Page Lengths")+
labs(y="Page Lengths",x="")
## Warning: Removed 472 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot).

Average Ratings: Histogram and Boxplot

################### PLOT Average Ratings ###################################avgplt<-ggplot(data = bestEpicFantasy, aes(bestEpicFantasy$average_rating))+
geom_histogram(bins = 25,fill="dodgerblue4")+
labs(title="Histogram for Average Ratings")+
labs(x="Average Rating",y="Counts")
ggplot(data = bestEpicFantasy, aes(y=bestEpicFantasy$average_rating,x=""))+
labs(title="Boxplot for Average Ratings")+
labs(y="Average Rating",x="")

Categorical data

Awards/Nominations: Barplot

#######################PLOT Award ########################################awardplt<-ggplot(data=bestEpicFantasy,aes(bestEpicFantasy$hasAward))+geom_bar(fill="dodgerblue4")+
labs(x = "Award/Nomination")

Genres: Barplot

Almost all books in this set are tagged Fantasy, with a large number of other genres with very few titles. Therefore I relabeled these rarer genres as “Other genres” for presentation and testing.

######################PLOT Genres ###########################################tp <- bestEpicFantasy
levels(tp$genreVoted)[levels(tp$genreVoted) != "Fantasy"] <- "Other Genres"
genreplt<-ggplot(data = tp,aes(x = genreVoted))+geom_bar(fill="dodgerblue4")+
labs(title = "Histogram for Genres")+
labs(x = "Genre 'tagged' by vote on", y = "Count")

Crossing Variables and Statistical Testing

Genres and Awards: CHI-SQ

############# CROSS Genres With Awards###################################
# Outcome: SUCCESSFULLY reject Null Hypothesis
crossplt<-ggplot(data = tp,aes(x = genreVoted, fill = hasAward))+geom_bar(position = "dodge")+
labs(title = "Genres crossed with Awards")+
labs(x = "Genre", y = "Count")+
scale_fill_discrete("Has Award/Nom")
# Same plot but if we wanted to exclude NA cases
tbl<-table(tpNoNA$genreVoted, tpNoNA$hasAward)
## Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction
## data: tbl
## X-squared = 11.002, df = 1, p-value = 0.0009101
crossplt2<-ggplot(data = tpNoNA,aes(x = genreVoted, fill = hasAward))+geom_bar(position = "dodge")+
labs(title = "Genres crossed with Awards (excluding NAs)")+
labs(x = "Genre", y = "Count")+
scale_fill_discrete("Has Award/Nom")

Average Rating with Genre: Kruskal-Wallis

############# CROSS Genres With Average Ratings###################################
# Outcome: Close... can reject the null hypothesis at 0.05 confidence threshold.
avgGenrePlt<-ggplot(data = tp,aes(x = genreVoted, y = average_rating))+geom_boxplot(fill="dodgerblue4", width=0.1)+
labs(title = "Genres By Ratings")+
labs(x = "Genre", y = "Ratings")
kruskal.test(average_rating~genreVoted,data = tp)## 
## Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
## data: average_rating by genreVoted
## Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 4.0544, df = 1, p-value = 0.04406
## Other Genres Fantasy
## 4.05 4.04

Page Lengths with Genre: Kruskal-Wallis

############# CROSS Genres With Page Counts###################################
# Outcome: SUCCESSFULLY reject Null hypothesis
pageGenrePlt<-ggplot(data = tp,aes(x = genreVoted, y = pageCounts))+geom_boxplot(fill="dodgerblue4",width=0.1)+
labs(title = "Genres By Pages")+
labs(x = "Genre", y = "Page Length")
## Warning: Removed 472 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot).
kruskal.test(pageCounts~genreVoted,data = tp)## 
## Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
## data: pageCounts by genreVoted
## Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 33.987, df = 1, p-value = 5.548e-09

Average Rating with Award/Nomination: Kruskal-Wallis

############# CROSS Award With Average Ratings###################################
#Outcome: FAIL to reject null
avgGenrePlt<-ggplot(data = tp,aes(x = hasAward, y = average_rating))+geom_boxplot(fill="dodgerblue4", width=0.1)+
labs(title = "Awards/Nominations By Ratings")+
labs(x = "Award/Nominations", y = "Ratings")
kruskal.test(average_rating~hasAward,data = tp)## 
## Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
## data: average_rating by hasAward
## Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 0.37614, df = 1, p-value = 0.5397

Total Ratings with Award/Nomination: Kruskal-Wallis

############# CROSS Awards With Total Numbers of Reviews ###################################
#Outcome: SUCCESSFULLY reject Null
pageGenrePlt<-ggplot(data = tp,aes(x = hasAward, y = total_ratings))+geom_boxplot(fill="dodgerblue4",wdith=0.1)+
labs(title = "Award/Nomination By Total Ratings")+
labs(x = "Award", y = "Total Ratings")
## Warning: Ignoring unknown parameters: wdithpageGenrePlt
kruskal.test(total_ratings~hasAward,data = tp)## 
## Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
## data: total_ratings by hasAward
## Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 269.06, df = 1, p-value < 2.2e-16
## 1087 73265



Connor Higgins
Connor Higgins

Current graduate student at Northeastern University, pursuing a career in data science. Also an avid reader of speculative fiction!