Remembrance Day: What’s it All About?

Connor Wilson
Connor J. Wilson Personal Blog
11 min readNov 11, 2017


As someone who has a fairly extensive military history in his family, remembrance day is an important day of the year for me, as it should be for all Canadians. Brave men and women fought against extremist forces of evil to preserve our freedom, and for that, we are forever indebted to them. It is incredibly important for us as a society to remember not only the sacrifices these men and women made for us but to remember the reasons why, lest we will be doomed to repeat history. This is what remembrance day is all about.

This article will cover:

  • Reasons why it’s important to observe remembrance day and actually REMEMBER the history behind it
  • A brief historical summary/overview of both WWI and WWII
  • Eight ways you can honour the dead this November 11th, many of which are fun
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Why We Must Remember:

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Connor Wilson
Connor J. Wilson Personal Blog

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