A Note for Bad Days

A quick reminder for those bad days

Jani Konjedic
Conquering Burnout
2 min readMay 31, 2022


Photo by christopher lemercier on Unsplash

James Clear, the king of productivity, once wrote that:

“Bad days are more important than good days.”

But this doesn’t apply just for habits. This applies to anything and everything — including your relationship with yourself and how you treat yourself.

I’ve been struggling with this a lot lately.

I’ve had a lot of bad, hard days in the last month. But instead of being compassionate, understanding, supportive and loving to myself, I was even more stern.

“I shouldn’t feel so bad …” “Get yourself together already!” “I feel like such a loser.” were the mental loops I was in.

There’s a place and time for the “David Goggins approach”, but when it doesn’t work, you need to change the strategy.

It’s easy to be satisfied, proud and loving towards yourself when you’re feeling good, but it’s much harder to do it when you’re not at your best.

But the foundation of true Self-Love lies right in those periods when you’re not feeling our best: when you’re struggling, when we’re in pain, when we’re processing things and when we’re figuring it out.

So the way you treat yourself on your bad days shows your true relationship with yourself.

The more you resist and fight something, the worse it will get, the more it will resist, persist and fight you back.

So on those bad and hard days, be gentle with yourself.

Instead of choosing self-destructive practices, take care of your body, mind and soul: spend time in recovery and recharge mode and direct your energy towards healing and regaining balance in your body.

Your body, mind and soul will be grateful.

I wish you a good week, I hope you kill it! Talk again very soon!

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Love and take care of yourself, forget about worries and enjoy life!

~ Jani



Jani Konjedic
Conquering Burnout

Health and wellness enthusiast writing about burnout, lifestyle, nutrition and history. https://hype.co/@conqueringburnout