Finding The Right Place To Live and Work for Conquest Startups

Vinayak Aggarwal
Published in
4 min readMay 21, 2018

Something we talk about often at Conquest, is how similar the journey of a startup is to the lifecycle of a plant. A seed is sown, which grows into a sapling, then into a small plant with branches and eventually a fruit bearing tree. This is strikingly similar to the journey of a startup from a small team searching for the right solutions to a problem, to gaining initial traction, to scaling up and then bearing fruitful returns. But wait a minute, is there something more in this analogy that we are missing out on? Yes, environment. The right kind of environment is what sustains and fuels growth both in the case of a plant and that of a startup.

In our mission to help great founders build amazing companies, what lies at the core of our ideology is being able to provide this right kind of environment for startups to flourish. So, as part of our one month long summer mentorship program in Bangalore, we provide our Top 10 startups a free co-living space at The Hub to live together with all the startups and a free co-working space at BHIVE Workspace to collaborate and work together.

Coliving space at The Hub

Collaboration is a value that is indispensable to Conquest’s summer mentorship program and thus, we decided that the accommodation offered to our startups should be a coliving space which is designed to promote community living. We set out on foot in Bangalore, hunting for the ideal coliving space with an aesthetic appeal, designed for mingling together and with a strong focus on community sharing and living as a value. We had almost given up our search and thought about resorting to a normal PG after not being able to find any ideal properties who could share our vision. However, as a last ditch attempt, we thought about checking out this newly opened property in Safina Plaza called The Hub, and lo and behold, what a place! With tastefully done interiors, spacious rooms, meeting spaces, a beautiful rooftop, and a philosophy of Live, Work and Play, we instantly knew, this had to be it. We wanted no other than The Hub to be our coliving partners for Conquest this year and so it was!

Coworking space at BHIVE Workspace

Once we had the living section of our planned environment for the startups sorted, next up was to look for a coworking space. Unlike the coliving scenario, wherein we had to dig in deep to find the right property, in case of coworking, the challenge was to choose the ideal coworking environment from the sea of coworking spaces which had opened up in Bengaluru recently. So what we focused on, was to find and work with a coworking setup that had a well — established history of supporting the startup ecosystem, had an aesthetic work environment to boost productivity, had a thriving community and were in alignment with our vision. We were lucky to come across BHIVE Workspace which ticked all of the above boxes and were in complete support of what we are trying to achieve. They are providing work desks, free WiFi, discussion rooms, meeting spaces, seminar halls, 24*7 to all our startups for the duration of the program and we are extremely thankful to them for their support!

We aspire to be the strongest pillar of support for our startups in their journey. With the kind of all — inclusive, distraction — free environment we have designed, we look forward to hosting our Top 10 startups for summer in Bangalore this year!

Conquest, BITS Pilani, started in 2004 as one of India’s first B-Plan competitions has come a long way evolving into a startup challenge, having multi-city mentoring sessions with finalists and now the first student-run Startup Launchpad.

To provide more value to our startups, we made a pivot from a startup competition to a summer mentoring program in Bangalore where we provide them with free space to live and work for one month along with weekly mentoring sessions with successful founders and investment workshops with all of the India’s biggest investment firms.

To know more about Conquest, check out the website:

