Why register your startup for Conquest?

Rahul Chhabra
Published in
4 min readFeb 24, 2018


At Conquest, we believe that the smartest people have the ability to build great companies given the right environment. And we consider it one our primary goals to help the best founders run great businesses and raise money. To do this, we provide free accommodation and working space to our Top 10 startups along with intensive mentoring where they can focus on building their product and business around it. Ten startups working and staying together mentored and closely checked on progress can achieve a lot in two months which is the basis of the model.

We feel that we need to optimize for high value to the startups who stay with us for the six weeks. Here are a few reasons why you should register your startup for Conquest.

Bangalore: We have planned to hold the summer mentoring program in Bangalore. Members of our team who have previously worked at Bangalore have felt a vibe of startups in Bangalore. Presence of a huge number of startups, mentors, investors, developers gives rise to a healthy ecosystem and multiple network effects.

Free accommodation and work space: Startups are hard work. A large part of building new companies involves dealing with unexpected problems and these problems can easily wear you out. It’s strange that the hardest part of building companies is setting them up when most founders are inexperienced and unaccustomed to handle so many problems. To save you troubles of hustling for basic amenities, we solve most basic needs and problems for you. Also, we do understand that moving to another city is not easy in itself and we have carefully crafted our program onboarding to make the shift as smooth as possible.

Intensive Mentoring Program: Building great companies requires a lot of counter intuitive ideas. And rather than spending your time improving your instincts, having experienced mentors can accelerate your growth, especially in the beginning. We think founders who have built great companies in the past are the best source of authentic knowledge on dealing with problems startups face in the beginning. We will hold weekly mentoring sessions where 5 such founders who will guide startups on how to go about solving your problems, share their own experiences and warn against possible pitfalls.

Along with weekly mentoring sessions, we also have a board of mentors who are industry experts in various fields from customer acquisition to legal. Whenever your startup needs help during the program in these verticals, you can reach out to any of these mentors and schedule a video mentoring session. Imagine getting the new design for your app approved by India’s best designers within two days.

High growth environment: We plan to build an environment with absolutely no distractions. The only thing you need to care about is your startup. And the only things you need to do is build your product, talk to customers and take advice from mentors.

To catalyze and accelerate your growth, we make it compulsory for all of the Top 10 startups to stay and work together. Almost all early age startups deal with almost the same problems. And if all of them have similar problems, if any one finds a solution, it saves time for the rest of the companies banging their head solving that. Just collaborative working and staying together with same founders for 2 months could guarantee moving at a 10x speed.

To ensure all the startups are growing fast, every week we ask all the startups to tell everyone what they accomplished in the past week and what challenges they are facing then. Unless you accomplish a quantum of progress in the past week and hit on some hard challenges, you and everyone knows you haven’t done well in the previous week. Just to avoid this, people tend to work lot more and achieve appreciable results.

Also, it turns out a week is enough to apply and test what mentors advised you last week. It is easy to calibrate advice and results in weekly cycles and also ensure growth in the right direction.

Raising funds: Fundraising is one of the many tasks at a startup which become lot better and easier when you have people with experience guide you through it. After the first six weeks of the program, we will train all the startups to raise funds for the next two weeks. We will have investors from top VC firms, Conquest alumni and experienced founders to help craft your pitch, build your deck, maneuver deals and secure funding.

Register your startup for Conquest: conquest.org.in



Rahul Chhabra

Startups, code, products, great art and a bit of adventure.