The Fable of the Soul-Seeking City Dweller

Nicolás Muñoz
Conscious Connection
3 min readMar 19, 2023

Once upon a time, in a bustling capital city, there lived a woman named Isabella. Isabella was a hardworking and ambitious woman, always striving to achieve more and reach the top of her career. She spent her days working long hours at the office, her eyes constantly glued to her computer screen or her smartphone. Despite her success, she couldn’t help but feel that something was missing in her life.

One day, as Isabella walked home from work, she noticed a peculiar little shop that she had never seen before. Intrigued, she entered the store and found herself surrounded by a peculiar collection of items, including old books, exotic musical instruments, and unusual artwork. Behind the counter stood an elderly woman, who greeted Isabella with a warm smile.

“Welcome, dear,” said the shopkeeper. “I have been expecting you.”

Isabella, surprised by the woman’s statement, asked, “How did you know I was coming?”

The wise old shopkeeper chuckled and replied, “I can see it in your eyes, dear. You’re searching for something. Something to fill the void in your soul.”

Isabella, taken aback by the woman’s insight, decided to indulge her curiosity. “Well, what do you suggest?”

The shopkeeper thought for a moment and then handed Isabella a beautifully crafted calligraphy set. “Try this,” she said. “It’s an ancient art form that requires patience, dedication, and a connection to one’s inner self. It may help you find the balance you seek.”

Photo by Isa Bauptista on Unsplash

Isabella thanked the woman and took the set home. Every day after work, she would spend a few hours practicing calligraphy, slowly discovering the joy of creating something beautiful without the need for immediate rewards or recognition.

Soon, she began to notice a change in her life. She felt more at peace and more connected to the world around her. One day, while walking in the park, she saw a group of people practicing tai chi. Intrigued, she decided to join them.

Photo by Monica Leonardi on Unsplash

Isabella soon found herself immersed in the world of soul-nourishing activities. She took up yoga, started painting, and even began attending philosophical discussions at the local library. As she embraced these new pursuits, she found that her life became richer, more balanced, and more fulfilling.

One evening, as she sat in the park admiring the sunset, she noticed the old shopkeeper walking by. Isabella approached her and said, “Thank you for showing me the way. I’ve finally found what I was missing.”

The wise old woman smiled and replied, “It’s not about what you do, my dear. It’s about finding the balance between the tangible and the intangible, the material and the spiritual. That is the secret to a truly fulfilling life.”

And so, Isabella continued to lead a life of balance, embracing both her career and her newfound love for soul-nourishing activities. She became an inspiration to those around her, proving that it is possible to find harmony and happiness in the chaotic world of the modern city.

Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

The end.



Nicolás Muñoz
Conscious Connection

I'm Nicolas, from Chile. I enjoy creative hobbies like writing and compose music.