6 Awesome Strategies to Breakthrough a Creative Rut so You Can Get Back INTO Your Work

Laura Ann Allahverdi
Conscious Creative
Published in
6 min readOct 19, 2015

You’ve been thinking and dreaming about your [book, art piece, blog post, course] for months, maybe even years.

Because you’re an artist, author, writer, innovator, entrepreneur, teacher … you got the ideas, you got the vision and you want it bad.

This is your “work,” your life’s work.

But you sit there staring at the beginnings of your work and your mind goes blank.

Since your creative mind doesn’t really ‘do blank,’ you fill it up with lots of crazy thoughts (read: doubts/fears/judgments).

“I just can’t get into this”

“Maybe I’m not good enough”

“It will probably never be what I want it to be”

“Everything I’ve done so far is crap”

“Why am I even doing this?”

Sound familiar?

First thing you need to know: you are not alone.

In fact, I just consider this as part of the creative process and laugh at it all as it flows through my mind.

This is so freakin’ normal and I’m going to show you exactly how to overcome this annoying scenario so you can make that impact you want to.

Here’s how you can really get back ‘into’ your work:

1. Create the Space

You’re going to need to some new head space, and the best way I find to get new head space, is to change my physical space.

So how is your space? Does it inspire you? Does it need some redecorating asap? Let’s put some inspiration in your space. Art work on the wall, maybe some scented candles and your little Buddha statue will help ya out.

Do you always sit at your desk? Then go sit on the couch. See your space from a different angle so you can have a fresh perspective. Sometimes I prop some pillows on the floor in a corner a never go in. And BAM … new space!

My favorite way to achieve the new headspace: GO AWAY. Book a hotel room. Get in your zone. You paid, you’ve got a time limit to stay there, you’re going to get this done! Bonus points if you get a room with an insane view. My favorite place to go:

When you really get yourself into a whole new environment, you engage all your senses in this new space; smell of the ocean breeze, sound of the waves, feet in the sand, eating fresh seafood and seeing the sun rise and set over the endless ocean horizon. Yes, all of me is in a whole new place.

2. Create motivation and get inspiration from others

And by that I mean, go to someone else’s work. Work YOU admire: your favorite most inspiring artist, teacher, preacher, do-gooder or role model.
Know that the person you just thought of, well, they struggled with the same thing when they were getting it out into the world.

So look at someone else’s art, read someone else’s book, listen to someone else’s motivational talk. When you do this, remember to think, “I want that! I want to make that IMPACT, I want my work to make people feel like that!” And then GOOOOO …

(I like to listen to a little Tony Robbins before get started on my own stuff.)

Take in THEIR energy and use the gift to inject into your work.

3. Get Feedback from RIGHT people

Stop asking your husband, best friend, dog if they like your work. Are you making it for them? Or for someone just like them? (I’m guessing not) Just because they love you, doesn’t mean they are gonna ‘get it.’ When they don’t get it, you’ll just get discouraged. Let them support you just by loving you.

Remember the person you are making your work for. Find THAT person and ask them if they like it.

When you find your real ideal audience for your work, you can get that ‘OMG THIS IS AWESOME” reaction you wanted and that’s going to feed your energy.

4. Step away from the work

When I’m all up in the personal development world, sometimes I must step away into a whole new realm. I get away from the project and do something completely unrelated and go back to it with fresh eyes and add my tweaks.

I love calling my friends and getting to one of those paint nights. (there’s usually wine)
Sometimes I call an old friend and catch up.
Maybe I’ll rent a funny movie.

I try to find something that will make me laugh, cry and think about stuff that is SO different from the work I am doing. It’s such a nice break and you probably need to give yourself one ;).

5. Say what’s up to that “I’m not good enough” voice.

You’re doing your work and it starts out awesome. But then, BAM, out of nowhere this voice pops into your head (and it’s yours), “ummmm are you good enough to be doing this? Is this stuff your creating even any good?”

Here’s the trick: Say what’s up to that voice. (psst we all have one of those voices) I personally like the response: “Oh, hey there, thanks for stopping by. I hear what you’re saying but you need to go, because yesterday I thought this was awesome.”

Don’t feed the fears. Tell that voice to go away and make it a practice.

You’re going to have to develop a louder voice that believes in you.
Yes, it’s important to talk to yourself. Be nice, and give yourself some love too.

Stop worrying about what exactly comes out of it, and just do the work because you love it and enjoy doing it, not because it needs to be the best thing ever. This notion can relieve a lot of pressure so things can just flow. The more you do it, the better you get at it.

6. Remember your “WHY”

This is the think that keeps you going. This is the thing that ultimately drives you.

Let’s answer that “Why am I even doing this?” question.

Why are you?

What was your initial reason for getting started in the first place?
What did you want the world to see?
How did you want the world to feel when they experience your work?
How did YOU want to feel?
What do you believe in?
Who are you doing it for?

Keep coming back here and answering these when you start to forget. It will really help you re-focus. You will want to let that WHY be the driver and take you where you need to go.

Check out one of my favorite TED talks: “Start with Why” by Simon Senik.

Okay now you’ve got this!

The world is waiting for your work, what steps will you take to get it out there?

For more breakthroughs, aha moments and strategies to keep you out of your own way; get my FREE E-Guide and Audio at www.lauraslifecoaching.com << that’s where the magic happens baby! Let’s get you unstuck and reaching your real potential. You’ve got this! -Laura Ann Allahverdi, Personal Coach & Strategist for your life & business.



Laura Ann Allahverdi
Conscious Creative

Entrepreneur, Life Coach, Game Changer, Mindset Creator and all around Beach Lover ... Ask me about my strategies to get you unstuck www.lauraslifecoaching.com