Driving into a Snowy River

Sarah Chetrit
Conscious Dreams
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2016

This is only a small, small portion of my dream. In real life time, I would imagine this happened over 30 minutes.

Any real life thoughts or remarks will be in italics, like so!

Lily (yes, the little girl from Modern Family — so bizarre because I haven’t watched that show in a year or so) was whining about coming with me for a two hour drive to Costco. I told her no because I don’t want to deal with a two year old and don’t want to have to stop at gas stations along the way to take care of her if she’s hungry or tired. I just want to go and get it over with.

But I guess she wins because the next day, we are in my car parked alongside a river. It is gray and dreary with mounds of snow piled high along the river from the snowplows shoveling them out of the way to make space for the cars.

Where there are no mounds of snow, you almost can’t tell the difference from the slow moving, slushy river and the little bit of earth separating the river and the parking lot — both are blanketed it in patches of gray and white snow.

My car is parked in an area where there is no mound of snow in front of me. I’m in the driver seat, and Lily is in the back bouncing around before getting into her carseat.

Then the car starts moving. I didn’t start it yet but the brake was not on all the way. It’s moving so slowly, I’m not even sure it’s moving, but by the time I’m in the river, yes, it has moved.

Now the car is half submerged in this gray and slushy water. I’m trying to steer the car back where I came from but I can’t. I can’t really see out the front or my driver’s window because the front end of the car is submerged more than the back end.

I should be freaking out. Well, I am freaking out inside but I don’t want Lily to know that. I don’t want her to know that our death is eminent — freezing and wet.

I ask her calmly to look out the back window to see if she can see the road, and she can — it’s on the left. I try to steer left, but we drift further away from where we started to the other side of the river.

I keep shifting the steering wheel as if that’s doing anything, but the car goes right with the current. Finally the tire touches the ground, and I’m able to drive onto land and sigh in relief.

The car then starts to become slippery and speeds as I drive. I try to brake and it doesn’t work. I slip and slide around highway exit loops and in and out of cars.

Finally, I get the brakes to work, and we ease into a parking lot.

This dream site says that something in my life is going too fast or out of my control, and this is why I can’t control the brakes in my dreams. However, at the end of my dream, I get the brakes to work so perhaps a part of me is able to control whatever is out of control in my subconscious. Who knows!



Sarah Chetrit
Conscious Dreams

orphan on welfare to world traveler ▹ sharing bits of inspo from my daily life https://www.instagram.com/sarchetrit