Natural Pesticide Recipes [PDF]

amy marie adams
Conscious Life Space
2 min readDec 27, 2017
Stop spraying pesticides

Natural Solutions

If you need a pesticide to regain balance in your garden, make it a natural one. Here are some natural pesticide recipes that you can read here or save the pdf here. Do you have a natural method to restore balance in your garden? Share it in the comments and please share this post with others and help spread nurturing solutions so we can stop using poison and protect our mother earth.

You can also download this PDF here

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About The Author

My name is Amy Adams, no, not the actress :-) I write about art, dogs, life and yoga. Trained as a fine artist (MFA), I am also an avid fan of the fur creatures we call dogs, a balcony gardener and self-proclaimed yoga goddess — because one of the things that yoga reminded me of is that ‘I am not this body.’ You can also read more of my articles on Medium here. Find me on on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram or visit my art website.

You can also connect with me on Conscious Life Space, a blog that I created to share my own personal experiences and information, as well as other contributors’ insights and articles to help people live a conscious life.



amy marie adams
Conscious Life Space

editor mindful soul center magazine, fine artist (MFA painting), periodic code warrior, supreme lover of dogs, epic gardener, and sometime yoga goddess RYT-200