Beautiful- Bountiful- Blissful

Conscious Calling
Conscious Calling
Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2016

All life is a journey.

The constant ups and downs, deep hellish holes and blissful, boundless highs- all adding to the tapestry of life.

When we are in the dark places and can no longer see the light it is important to remember times when we have pulled ourselves out before. (This is why journalling our feelings is such a useful exercise. Not only purging the mind; helping to get feelings straight and alleviate stress, but also to see how far we have come).You do not need to judge that space or rush getting back to a ‘love and light’ attitude, however residing there more than you need to to receive and listen to your lesson, is also not necessary.

Remembering when we are in a good place, at one of life’s highs, that everything is transient is also a good tool. Yes- enjoy it while you we are there, bask in it even, but know that all things have an end and a beginning and life is cyclical in its’ nature.

After over four years of daily prananyama (breath-work), yoga and meditation I can honestly say my life is a whole lot easier. I am talking in every aspect. Health- wise, in my career (following my heart and passion is something I encourage everyone to be brave enough to do), relationships (through increased awareness I can more easily see others’ points of view and tend to respond rather than react to situations), through living a more conscious existence I can recognise my body, mind and spirit and when something is out of sync. I also follow the profound gift I have as a woman of using the menstrual cycle to tune into my own rhythms. This enables me to be gentle with myself when I do not feel I have capacity to give as much, taking a step back and allowing rest and relaxation.

Most importantly- I chose a path of self love. This is (in my experience) not a one decision road where you make that choice and it’s done. It is a one step back, five leaps back kind of thing. A daily practice where you will have many a challenge and fight (usually from the ego or unresolved trauma, emotions that need releasing) with yourself on this journey.

However, making this choice is the biggest, most precious gift you could ever offer yourself and ultimately changes the way you see the world. By practising self love you become more tolerant and loving towards all other beings- and we all know this is what is needed on the planet right now.

Make that choice- you will thank yourself for it.

“The world does not need saving. Save yourself- you are the world”

Jessica Sawyer


